What am I doing?

     I have been reading one of Erwin McManus books on the Church “An Unstoppable Force” – but rather then looking at it as a specific Congregation – I look at The Church as all the Christians from all denominations.    So as I read the focus comes back to “What am I doing?” 
           I would like to share a couple of areas from the last couple of Chapters that really challenge me where I am today.   I have commented on a couple of my last Blogs that my act of Worship this year is to be bolder about my Faith.   I had become one of those people several years ago that sought out a Church just to become a Retired Christian – I had done my work – now it was time for the young people to carry on.     Here is a quote that would have fit me several years ago:   “The Church became a refuge from the world rather than a force in the world.”   –  But God has been molding me for several years now.
          Then came a couple of other quotes a few paragraphs later that made me evaluate myself:

  •                     “I know that we are the Sheep of God, and sheep require the Shepherd to feed them, but there must come a time when we become shepherds who feed others.”
  •              “Are we too much about getting us fed and too little about us exercising our Faith?”

           I have some Friends who will be going to Mule Creek Junction in August to give out Free Ice Water to all the Bikers that pass through.   At the same time they will be sharing their Faith to any who will listen.  This is the kind of action that we should be doing – looking for ways that we can share our Faith.
            I am getting older now and I should have been feed enough to be able to start feeding those around me.  So what am I doing today to feed those around me?  Am I being a Shepherd and giving them what they need to live?   These are the questions that I have to answer to myself and see if I am being Bold about my Faith.

 So what does this look like for you?

Are you still being FEED and not feeding those around you?

Have you found a way that you can share your Faith Boldly?


Like me – you will have to sit back and evaluate yourself and answer the Question:  “What am I doing”?


What is on your Wall?

          The Fourth of July weekend was adventurous in many ways for my family:

  1.  My grandkids were up and we enjoyed the weekend – also enjoying fireworks at the park.
  2. My nephew got married and we got together will all the family.
  3. Then there is always the glitch.

      My wife has several scripture and sayings on our walls that keep me in check with what God has in store for us.   I get to walk around and ponder on them as I am strolling around the house.   But it reminded me of the sermon we had last week on Job – in the end he never knew the Why of all of his story, and that may be the same for me.
          But here are a couple of the Sayings that my wife has on the walls.

  •  The Lord will Fight for you – you need only to be Still
  • Live Simply – Love Generously – Care Deeply – Speak Kindly:  Leave the rest to God.
  • If He brings you to it – He will bring you through it.
  • Be Still and Know that I am God.

Then the best one is.                                     I AM
          You know we have good times and bad times that make up the life that God is taking us through.   The question is:    Do we believe that he will get us through the hard times.   As the sayings above go – we must trust in the Lord that he will deliver us as he did Job.   The Biggest test will be #2 – How does our witness look as we go through the Good Times and the Bad Times.    I have to tell you – it is easy when life is going good – but that glitch – I am struggling with that one.  So I walk allot around the house when the glitch comes and Be Still and know that I Am Godreally focus on what is being said in each of these writings on the walls.
          But it is the last one that always gets me:               I AM 
As with Job – God has to remind me who is control and why would I question Him as he takes me down that road called Life…   

So if you have those struggles – it always helps to have reminders on who is in Control and that He will take you through it all.  We just need to Be Still and Let Him Work

But most of all we have to remember who God is:



Am I having an impact on the World today?

             It has been one of those interesting weeks – especially in our country and the decision that came down from the Supreme Court.   At the same time I have been reading a book from Erwin McManus (just getting started) “An Unstoppable Force”.  They really have me thinking about my impact on the World around me.
             I have had several conversations in the last few months about my personal spiritual growth and what I am working on this year.  I believe that allot of Christians including myself have not spoken out about what we believe in and have bought into the aspect of being Politically Correct or being Tolerant.  So this is my year for me to be bolder in my faith – but in such a way that Christ shines through me.  If I am going to see change in the World today – it must start with me.
                One of the quotes that I underlined in the book is:  “Species that do not adapt to change do not survive because change is an ever-present reality” & “When relationships become stagnant and the community of Christ closes itself to the outside world, the result is an institution rather than a movement”.  That has to go for me also – if I am not aware of what is going on around me in life and I am not adapting – then I am going to become stagnant and non-effective.   
                So going back to the Court decision:  I listened to a good pastor friend of mine (Pastor Velcro) on a Video about the subject and he was excellent – a few of his points really encouraged me.    First of all if this really surprised me – then I really need to pay attention to what is happening in the world.  This should not have been awakening when the decision came down – it has been in the works for a very long time.   The book I am reading also mentioned the same thing about Prayer being taken of our School system – it should not have surprised me. 
          Then Pastor Velcro stated – this does not change his beliefs and this should not change what I believe in.  “YUP”              The biggest thing we must remember is the Greatest commandments:    “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'”   This is a must if I am going to be effective in the world that surrounds me. 
     So as I am looking at how I am going to go forward – I must remember that God is in Control and he knew this was coming – so my response has to be in Love.   It did not surprise God of the decision my Country would make – our country has the freedom to make choices and this is the choice they made.  

 So as you respond to a decision that you may not agree on – remember the World is wanting to see how you Respond!

As Pastor Velcro finished his talk – “I feel Loved”.

My question to you is:  So do those around you feel loved? 


The Uniqueness of it all.

       I had the pleasure of moving my youngest Son back to Spearfish this weekend, he has been living with us for a little while.   Not that I wanted him to go – but it is a great feeling to watch your Son’s go forth in life on new Adventure’s.  He will do great and we were blessed to have him come to help us through a tough time. 
                 My friend Jim S. helped with the move – he had the pickup to carry all the stuff, but we had a great talk driving up there and back.   On our way back we went through the Black Hills, across parts of Nebraska and back into Wyoming.  We had this conversation about the uniqueness of the terrain and why did God make it this way.   He must have had a reason… from the great mountain scenes to the rolling prairies in Nebraska and then back into Wyoming by Lusk.   Well we finally came up with and Answer:   We really do not know why God made the different terrains the way He did – but He had a reason…. 
           Then our conversation went to the uniqueness of all the people that God has put around us and it reminded us of our upcoming theme “True Identity”.   Our Speaker – Erwin McManus – will be talking about how God has made us Unique, but the conversation was:   “How do we deal with all the different personalities of people that God has put in our lives?”   When you look at the people that surround you – they are all unique in their own way – some we like and others…. well we adjust.
         I have the pleasure of working with a large group of guys in my ministry that are all different.  What I really enjoy is seeing what God has put together as a Team and seeing all the those different parts coming together as one.   God has given us all different Gifts and a Soul that are unique…    So my biggest question to myself was —   “How am I dealing with those people around me that I need to adjust too?”     It took a while – but it is really easy – I have to look at their Uniqueness and know this is God working through them.  Then I can smile and know that God is at work with all of those people that he has put in my life, even that ones that I have to adjust to.     I do have to remember  that this includes my family – church – work – ministry and those he puts right in front of me – they are all God’s Creation.

 So my question to you is:   How do you deal with those people that God has put in your life – that require you to adjust?

Do you look at them as one of God’s greatest Gifts to you?

He has made us all unique for a reason – so enjoy those people God has put in your life.



What do you do when Life is not perfect?

          I have had one of those weeks that I would like to turn back the clock and start over…   Have you ever had one of those?     I started the week with several of my family members have some major sickness issues and did not know what to do.   Basically the only thing I could do is Pray – and that means I have no control in helping fix the problems.    Then I changed my work hours last week to take care of issues that needed to be taken care of.   You know when you make changes at your work place – not everyone likes it.   They could have at least just kept quiet instead of telling me about it.  
          But that is how life goes sometimes…    the Job factor…   but not so intense.
           Then this last weekend came – there was a joyous time of seeing my grandkids – my granddaughter is turning 10.  The same age as me – well I tell her at least our last number matches.    Then my wife wanted to finish the weekend and go see 3rd day at Red Rocks for our 40th anniversary.   Yes there is someone who can put up with me that long.   I do not do well with driving in extremely large traffic jams and then to navigate through an extremely large crowd… and what about the bathroom break!!   If I had my choice we would have went to a secluded spot and listened to 3rd Day on the way there.
     Worship      As you can see – I really wanted to turn the clock back, well not really.  I made it through it all and do you know what it is like to worship with 9,500 other christians – AWESOME – Especially with the one who has been by your side for 40 years and at Red Rocks?   God has truly blessed me.
           You know we are going to have weeks like this and the thing that matters, is how do we finish them.   You know Job had to go through the extreme when problems came his way, but in the end he pleased God and was blessed in many ways.  
       We have to do the same and make it through those tough weeks and finish well.    In the end the most important thing I have to do is stay focused on Jesus and he will get me through all of this… and he did.

 So looking back at all of this – my question to you is?

What do you do to make it through those tough weeks – the ones you would like to turn the clock back and start over?

Is your focus on Jesus and Prayer?

The most important thing that we can do is please Him and we will be blessed.


What are you taking to Heaven with You?

Another one of my favorite blogs. My Dad is my foundation of my Christian faith and walk. He raised me in a Christian home and was a great example for me to follow. When he passed away – my Uncle Andy told us how he started his Christian journey (it was after the death of my 10 day sister). In his last years who got the awful disease of Alzheimer’s and was challenging at times, but we also had some fun times. Below is one of them…. 

     I would like to share a recent story with you about an incident my Dad did,   but I have to let you know he has Altimerzzz (Alzheimer’s).   He knows me when I come to visit, so I am good with where he is at…   I have always told him that he is the Founder of GMM because Mom and he had me, but he still does not know what GMM is… (But all is good).
           Well recently, he loaded his Car with stuff to go see his Mom – his Mom is in Heaven.   My sister questioned, what he meant by that and he stated – “You know what I mean.”     Well we thought it was his time – we have heard of people who get close to going home (Heaven) that they know when it is time.   Well he did not go home – but we believe it is close.
          I have a good time with my Dad – he really made me laugh when we finally found what he had put in the Car.   When I arrived at my Dad’s home that afternoon and we knew that he was OK – my brother seemed to be missing some items so I asked him if he checked out the car.
          Well here are the items my Dad was taking to Heaven.

  1.  Pajamas
  2. Shoes
  3. Empty Medicine Holder
  4. T. V. Remote
  5. My Brothers Bills – not sure why he grabbed these but not a bad place to take them.
  6. Bath Room Scale
  7. Blood sugar Tester
  8. Razor
  9. And the Dog (Precious) – now if you knew the Dog – this was a good thing…  he did roll down the window for the Dog.

     What an assortment of items to take to Heaven…   just to let you know, his car has not been started for several years and it has a flat tire…. So no chance in him driving it.    We questioned him about the items – but he just smiled… and so did we.       My Dad raised us in a Christian family – so with this Disease I enjoy seeing that he still knows where he is going when he dies.  
          So it made me think – Do I have the Assurance that my Dad has about where I am going when I die…   and what will I take with me.   I believe I am going to Heaven – but what really scares me is that someday I will be packing a car with some stuff to take to heaven with me.

 So do you have that Assurance of your Salvation??

We do not know what life is going to bring and like my Dad you may have a Disease someday that will take your memory.

So today – make sure you know which direction you are going when you die.





Response to: “True Identity” – What does this look like?

**Bob thank you for your wisdom below on a response to “True Identity”.
I need to commit John 15 to memory: it’s that important. But in a sentence, I’d say:
My true identity is recognizable when I am fruitfully abiding in Christ, which follows from obedience, which follows from love, which follows from personally knowing God. 
 The calls to holiness you quote are SOLID.  But as I’m sure you are certain, it is not all about obedience to those qualifications for lay leadership, or any of God’s other Scriptural directions: we simply cannot be fruitful or obey or rightly love as he commands without knowing/loving God, and without abiding in Christ for the necessary strength/power to bear fruit. 
 Bob W.
     I just got back from a great morning with my youngest Son at Crystal Lake – He fished and I pondered – the lake was perfect to do this – except my son only caught one fish…    My question to myself was:   What does True Identity Look like?  –  This is the GMM Conference Theme this year…    We will have several people helping us identify what that means – but me personally – what does that look like in my life…?
       One of the basic things that I have come up with is that we have to have a foundation that is founded in Christ…   We sang one of my favorite songs yesterday at church –   “We Believe” by The Newsboys and the chorus is one way of starting that foundation.

We believe in God the Father
We believe in Jesus Christ
We believe in the Holy Spirit
And He’s given us new life
We believe in the crucifixion
We believe that He conquered death
We believe in the resurrection
And He’s comin’ back again, we believe

   Then the next thing I personally have to do is come up with a statement of faith for me….    The GMM Web site has our Statement of Faith – it is 5 items that unites us in one Faith….    this is what I would have to put as my core beliefs.

The above would be my start in my Personnel “True Identity”.

       But it has to be more then that…   there has to be a Character inside of me that is Christ Like… – so how do I get that….       Pastor Shaun has been preaching on 1st Timothy and yesterday he talked about the qualifications of Elders/Deacons – well this would be a good place to start.   You may not be looking at being and Elder or Deacon – but as Shaun stated there are some great qualities described that we as Lay People can look at..                    Below is a list Shaun came up with for someone like me….

All Believers Chart

Elders: From 1 Timothy 3

Deacons: From 1 Timothy 3

All Believers

Above reproach (i.e., Blameless,but not sinless. No valid criticism.) Beyond reproach 1 Peter 2:12,1 Thessalonians 5:22, Romans 6:1-2
Husband of one wife Husbands of only one wife Genesis 2:24 – Believed to be the pattern since creation (i.e., one man to one woman), Ephesians 5:31
Temperate (i.e., abstaining from wine, either entirely or at least from its immoderate use) Temperate Ephesians 5:18
Prudent (i.e., of a sound mind, be sensible) Titus 2:2 (men), Titus 2:5(women)
Respectable (i.e., well arranged, seemly, modest) Dignified 1 Timothy 2:9 (women), 1 Peter5:5
Hospitable   1 Peter 4:9
Able to teach   1 Peter 3:15, Titus 2:3 (women)
Not addicted to wine Not addicted to much wine Ephesians 5:18
Not pugnacious (i.e., pugnacious, contentious, quarrelsome) James 4:1-2
Gentle   Ephesians 4:1-3
Peaceable   Ephesians 4:1-3
Free from the love of money Not fond of sordid gain Matthew 6:24
Manages his own household well Good managers of their children and their own households 1 Timothy 5:8, Proverbs 31(women), 1 Timothy 5:14(women), Ephesians 5:28-30(men)
Not a new convert (i.e., protect the new believer from conceit)    
Must have a good reputation with those outside the church Must also first be tested 1 Peter 2:12
  Not double tongued (i.e., saying one thing with one person another with another (with the intent to deceive)) James 3:1-12
  Holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience 1 Timothy 1:18-20
  Not malicious gossips Titus 2:3 (women), 2 Timothy 3:1-5
  Faithful in all things John 15:1-11

       So as I look at this list – there is a place for me to start looking at what my Identity in Christ might look like….     There are few areas that really need some improving.  So now I have a base to what my “True Identity”  may look like and I can start working on it.

 What does yours look like?

I would really enjoy some feedback on your thoughts of:

How do you look at our own personnel Identity…

Please send me a note.

        At the GMM Conference on October 24th  we have a Great Speaker – Erwin McManus that will be sharing his thoughts on this topic,,, —-  Also some great Pastors during the pastors Blast…..   Hope to see you there…

Billboards that share Faith:

       While on vacation in Whitefish MT. with our Friends from Oregon we came across a ½ circle filled with Ten Commandment ParkBillboards.  On these Billboards are the 10 commandments – and then there are 3 crosses – what a way to share your faith.  It is called “God’s Ten Commandments Park”…    There was a group that believed in a vision of putting the 10 commandments back into the view of the public and made their stand in Columbia Falls MT….    
          I always enjoy seeing The Boldness of people who share their faith and not going to the extreme of being offensive – this is one of those moments. 
          My personnel Prayer this year is being more Bold in sharing my Faith with those who are in Front of me.   This is a task that does not come easy for me – and I want to do it in such a way that is not offensive.  I believe that if people see that you have something different inside of you – that they will want to know what that is…   So I would want those around me to see – “Jesus in Me” – and would seek that difference in their lives. 
          One of the comments about this park by the Rancher that helped put it together is    “We have a First Amendment right to tell people about Jesus”.   And their group is doing this in a non-threating way. 

So how do we do this in our own personnel way……   I am not sure how I can but it has me thinking………..    Can I do the Same – Tell people about Jesus….


Is Christ Leading the WAY?

     I am reading a Fictional book from D.J. Delbat “The Coil Series” about a Christian Group who is fighting the Battle for Christian who are in Need.  This has been a great series when you look at what is happening in the World today and especially in the Middle East.
          Corban Dowler in going through a War Zone at the present time with so much passion and love to save some Muslim Christians and get them the supplies they need.   He is dealing with the enemy constantly and the weapons he uses are non-threatening – they are tranquilizer guns…     
          What is so amazing about this story is that as he is going forward – he is constantly reminding himself that Christ has to have the lead and Christ is making a pathway for him to be successful in the mission he is on.   Then there are those around him that are considered the enemy and he is constantly trying to bring them to Jesus and His Salvation.     These are WOW moments for the book….  to be praying for the evil people of the world so that they will get to get to know Jesus and leave their past behind…   It is hard for some them because of how bad their past looks.. but when they have accepted Jesus – there past is gone and they have freedom.
          Now I need to bring this story to the present and ask the question: am I fighting the Battle as Corban Dowler is.   The last couple of Months have been In the fiery Battletough – my Blood Pressure is spiking – I have to tell you “I have not let Christ take the Lead in most of my battles”.   The times that I do – there is peace but it needs to happen more often….   Then this thing about praying for the enemy or those who need Jesus and they are right in front of me.  I really need to do this more often – especially those that I am in constant contact with at work/store/dining out/church/…….      But in the book – others that surround Corban Dowler are seeming him at work and trying to follow in his footsteps. 
          You know what:   WE CAN DO THE SAME…     We need to be praying constantly as we are in the Battle to be doing God’s will and letting him take the Lead.  Then we seriously need to be looking at those who are right in front of us – whether it be enemy or friend and if they do not know Jesus we must be in fervent Prayer for them..  When we are – then we will find those right moments to Share Jesus – they will come when you have that relationship with Christ in tune.. 

So are you in that Battle today – and what does it look like?

Are you in Prayer and letting Jesus take the Lead?

Are you looking for those opportunities to share what Jesus has to give – no matter who the person is?



The Extremes of God Working through us:

   Sorry about taking so long to write another Blog….    I got caught up in the busyness of life and finally came to one of those calm moments – then I have been spending allot of time in Prayer for some major decisions that need to be made.
           While I was sitting there going through my notes – I came up with a couple of quotes that I had written down several weeks ago and wanted to write something about them.
           Here is the 1st one:
                    “A Christian had to be more tolerant of some extremes when waiting confidently on the Lord to work in the Heart”. 
          I really had to think about why I wrote this down and then it hit me that I was experiencing this NOW.   There are times when God has to put us through some Extreme situations to get our Heart in line with His.   My biggest Prayer at the present time as I go forward – is that my actions and wisdom will be His.  While I have been in Prayer – it has been a very tough couple of weeks for me going through some hard situations…  and I would call them EXTREME (Just ask those around me).    I have to tell you my Heart is GOOD now and I feel that I am in His Will as I go forward.  The biggest obstacle I had to overcome was myself and then seek the wisdom of my Greatest Advisors (Thank you Jason , Chuck,  Stephen and Grant).   So remember as you go through those hard situations – it may be God getting your Heart in line with HIS.
          Here is the 2nd one:
                    “As we are fellowshipping with those around us who are getting to know God, we may encounter some uncomfortable times with them in the Process”.
          This one is a big test on how God is working through you…                           As Paul had stated:
1 Corinthians 9:19-23 >19 No man has any hold on me, but I have made myself a workman owned by all. I do this so I might lead more people to Christ. 20 I became as a Jew to the Jews so I might lead them to Christ. There are some who live by obeying the Jewish Law. I became as one who lives by obeying the Jewish Law so I might lead them to Christ. 21 There are some who live by not obeying the Jewish law. I became as one who lives by not obeying the Jewish law so I might lead them to Christ. This does not mean that I do not obey God’s Law. I obey the teachings of Christ. 22 Some are weak. I have become weak so I might lead them to Christ. I have become like every person so in every way I might lead some to Christ. 23 Everything I do, I do to get the Good News to men. I want to have a part in this work.
           When we fellowship with others – there will be times where we have to be obedient to what God is calling us to do.   When we meet people where they are – it can become extremely uncomfortable and take us way out of our Comfort Zones…   But as Paul – we must also do the same if people are going to See Jesus working through us.   WE MUST MEET PEOPLE WHERE THEY ARE –   **This one can me very hard for some of us to accomplish and some of us may not be able to get to that place.   But when we do  – it is an extreme experience never forgotten.

 So where are in you in either one of these situations?

Is God at work in you to let Jesus Shine through you?

When you get there – it is AWESOME!
