A Check on Your Ministry and Maturity in Your Spiritual Walk:

     The GMM team had an Advance this last weekend and it was a very Challenging time as to where I was with my Ministry.  Our Speaker (Pastor Jason K.) did a great job at putting forth a message of Support – but also one of checking to see where each of us have matured.   He gave us 5 questions for us to answer in a personal moment…   Here they are:

  1.  What is my role in GMM?
  2. How Involved am I?
  3. Why am I here?
  4. How is my Church Helping?
  5. Do I have a Church Home?

    Some of these were easy to answer but others I really had to think about…    These could be questions for you also:  If you are involved in a ministry outside the church that affects your community – how would you answer them? 
      These questions for me were checking on my Maturity in How I am letting people know about Jesus – and do they see that in me.   This includes all areas of my life…
           My study Bible had this section in Hebrew that made our Maturity Choices that we chose in Life:
  Are We:    

  •                        Teaching others – or – Just being taught
  •                         Developing depth of understanding – or – struggling with the basics
  •                         Self-evaluation – or – self-criticism
  •                         Seeking unity – or – promoting disunity
  •                         Desiring Spiritual challenges – or – Desiring entertainment
  •                        Careful study and observation – or – opinions and halfhearted efforts
  •                        Active Faith – or   – cautious apathy and doubt
  •                        Confidence – or – Fear

                 We mature at each of these in different ways and at different times in our lives, but these are great things to ponder and see where your Maturity is at the Present time.

So I would encourage you look at your Ministry and see where you are – then look at your Christian Walk and see where that is.

Take this week and Pray about each of these areas in your life.


**Remember our Growth should be through Jesus!

Do they see Jesus?

     I have been on vacation – so it has been a few days since I wrote a blog, but I am excited to write about what I was able to experience during my Travels.
     Diane and I were on Vacation in Pagosa Springs, CO. with a couple of our friends from Salem OR.  – We like to connect with them a couple of times a year.   We ventured Downtown to check out the sites and started with a coffee shop by the River.   My wife walked down this hallway and came back to tell me that this was a Christian Business because of some signage she encountered.  Then we went across the street to the Next Door (name of the business) – and when you walked in you could tell that this also was a Christian Business.  I knew I was in Trouble at this place and had to get my wife out soon – or it was going to cost me…
        It felt really good to walk into a few of the Business in Town and you could see that Jesus was a big part of the owner’s life…   So my thoughts are – would this not be great to experience Jesus when you are on an adventure in a new town in the local Businesses.
          Then my thoughts went to – Do people see Jesus when they walk into my Home.   I have to tell you that after we went into that store in Pagosa Springs called Next Door – they will see Jesus in my Home when they walk in (I knew it was going to cost me).   We now have 3 plaques over the fireplace that read.

  1.   A Saying from 1 Corinthians  13: 7-8
  2.   Another from Joshua 24:15
  3.   And the other with 2 Samuel 22:33

They are a great addition to our Home – we have other items that would also let you know that Jesus is first in our lives…   But I hope that when they come to my Home – questions would be asked if they did not know Jesus.
          Now came the biggest Question:    Do they see Jesus in me – and as the saying goes:   “They will know we are Christians by our Love”.   People should see Jesus us in me – without any signage that tells them that Jesus in first in my life.   
         I will have to tell you that I really struggle with this at times – especially with some of my old work partners.   This is something that I have to pray on daily and ask for others to help me..   I have to be careful that when I talk about some of my co-workers that I do it in a positive way…… and change my Heart to represent that…..   This a very Hard thing for me to do – I have to keep singing that song from Matthew West (Forgiveness)…. 

So my Challenge to you today is:

Do they see Jesus in You???


Encouragement – Can you get this from a Poster?

The Book I have been reading showed a Few Posters that were posted all over in Britain just before war with Germany.   These were meant to encourage the people – but did they do the job.   Here is what they looked like:













   When you look at these two posters above – they seem to stir you more then give you encouragement.   On the radio today the Host was speaking about Positive attitudes during hard times will get you through it.    I really believe that this is true – the Bible gives us several examples of people praising our Lord while they are being persecuted.   Paul while he was in Jail – Peter during his trial days – Job  praising God when he was being tested.   They all seem to make sure that their focus was on the Hope that they had received. 
          One last poster that was printed but did not get posted was this one…






   Well that one would have been the one I would have liked to have seen….  When we Trust in Jesus and carry his Hope with us into battle – then this really works.   We can KEEP CALM and we will be able to CARRY ON…
           As with Nehemiah:  (this is coming from the book I am reading)   When we trust in God, we think more clearly and react more decisively.  Like Nehemiah, who said, “We prayed to our God and Posted a guard day and night to meet this threat.”  **This would be a great story to read – read about Nehemiah during your devotional time this week.**
       We prayed….. and posted.   We trusted and acted.  Trust God to do what you can’t.  Obey God, and do what you can. 

 So as you go forward this week:  “Keep Calm and Carry On”


Praise – Giving Thanks or Revenge:

I have really been enjoying the book my wife gave me to read – and the story line throughout the Book has been about Joseph (Joseph and the coat of many colors).   This last few chapters have been talking about Joseph’s encounter with his brother after @ 20 years and how he responds.
          Joseph had every right to respond with Revenge – look at what he has been through in the last 20 years and why he got there.  His brothers had thrown him in a pit to die and then eventually sold him into Slavery.   You would have expected him to do as Christ did in Luke 23:34:   “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”  — But at first Joseph could not.   As the Book says “He didn’t because Forgiving Jerks is the hardest trick in the bag.”
          When you read the rest of the story you will find out that Joseph did enjoy some Pay Back as it would be called today – but in the end (as Nick would say) Love Wins.   Did it make it any easier for Joseph to forgive – No – It is seldom Quick, Painless and for Joseph it was not…   He ended up in Tears several Times.
          In the end Joseph could look back and see GOD’s work and the Evil deeds of his brothers was turned into GOOD.   So in the end Joseph enjoyed Praising and Giving Thanks with his whole family…
           Today I was listening to Joel Osteen on the Radio and he was giving several Examples of what we should be giving Praise and Thanks Giving for – even when it is hard:   A Couple of them hit home:

  1.  We should be thankful for our Jobs – if they are New – Old or one of those Hard ones that we seem stuck in…
  2. Our favorite Neighbor who has that DOG that Barks REALLY loud and will not quit.
  3. Our Homes – Our Families:   We are all at different levels with our surroundings and relationships.

We need to focus on the Now and be thankful for How God is working through us…   Sometimes we do not see it until the end of our circumstances – but we must remember – God is at work.

So Today – Be Giving Thanks and Praise – Not Revenge.


Wait While God Works!

     My Last blog was on Changing Direction and one of the Hardest things to do in this process is – WAITING.   Waiting can be extremely Hard – but sometimes it is what God is requiring of us so that he can do His work.   The Book my wife has asked me to read has this Chapter on just this topic – WAITING. 
          I had written in the last Blog that if you are comfortable – then you might be in the wrong spot.  Then I thought about that – waiting can make you extremely uncomfortable – so that may be the spot you need to be at.
Quote from the book – “Are you in God’s Waiting room?? If so, here is what you need to know:  While you wait, God Works.” 
   “To wait, biblically speaking is not to assume the worst, worry, fret, make demands, or take control.  Nor is waiting inactivity….  Waiting is a sustained effort to stay focused on God through prayer and belief.  To wait is to “rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him…   Not fret (Ps. 37:7).”
     This Chapter shared this story of Daniel in Prayer for 21 days and was getting inpatient on the result…   It just so happens that while he was in Prayer the Angel Michael had been at work the whole time battling the enemy…   So remember if the answer does not come right away – that just means God is at work for you and there may be this extremely important waiting period.
 Here are a couple of great questions that the Chapter finished with…   What if you give up?  Lose Faith?  Walk away?
    “Don’t.  For heaven’s sake, don’t.  All of heaven is warring on your behalf.  Above and around you at this very instant, God’s Messengers are at work.”

 It finished with this great scripture:   Isaiah 40:31

Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Just remember this and God will do his mighty works through you…



     I have really enjoyed reading the Book that my wife gave me – and looking at all the references back to Joseph (You’ll Get through this – by Max Lucado)…    Let me share with you some great insights.
        Let me be clear.  You are a version of Joseph in your generation.  You represent a challenge to Satan’s plan.  You carry something of God within you, something noble and holy, something the world needs – wisdom, kindness, mercy, skill.  If Satan can neutralize you, he can mute your influence.        The story of Joseph is in the Bible for this reason:  to teach you to trust God to trump evil.  What Satan intends for evil, God, the Master Weaver and Master Builder, redeems for good.

  1.  Let me be clear.  You are a version of Joseph in your generation.  You represent a challenge to Satan’s plan.  You carry something of God within you, something noble and holy, something the world needs – wisdom, kindness, mercy, skill.  If Satan can neutralize you, he can mute your influence.        The story of Joseph is in the Bible for this reason:  to teach you to trust God to trump evil.  What Satan intends for evil, God, the Master Weaver and Master Builder, redeems for good.
  2. Joseph had lost everything, with one exception.  His Destiny.   JJ…
    1. This is when God does his best work – in our brokenness.
  3. Here is what is said about Joseph – my question:  Can this be said of us?
    1. The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man.  (v2)
    2. His master saw that the Lord was with him. (v3)
    3. The Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake.  (v5)
    4. The blessing of the Lord was on all the he had.  (v5)
  4. Joseph’s story points elsewhere (“Look Higher”).  He succeeded because God was present.  God was to Joseph what a blanket is to a baby – he was all over him.  
    1. Any Chance he’d be the same for you?????
  5. Joseph had a yearning for God’s presence:
    1. Ex: 33:15 –   “If you Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.
    2. David also –  Ps. 51:11 – “Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me”


If you have not read the story of Joseph recently – please pick up your Bible and read it once more in a different sense of urgency.   Make sure God is walking with you as he did with Joseph…



You’ll Get through This:

My wife handed me a book recently and stated that I would enjoying reading this one – normally my wife and I do not read the same stuff – she is into romance and fixer uppers and I prefer a good of who done it or action.  But as a great husband would do – I took the book and assured her I would read it…   It is a Max Lucado book (You’ll get through this) and I believed him – I will get through this book.   The very first chapter is talking about a woman whose husband left her for a younger version after several years of marriage (my wife and I have been married almost 40 years)…   So I knew where this one was going………………..
To my surprise it was not going there…  Max was writing about people who are in hard times and giving them encouragement that they will need to get through it….  In the first couple of pages as he is describing people’s troubles he gives them these words of wisdom..

            “You’ll get through this.  It won’t be painless.  It won’t be quick.   But God will use this mess for good.  In the meantime don’t be foolish or naïve.  But don’t despair either.  With God’s help you will get through this.”

      Allot of the first chapter he references back to Joseph and what his brothers did to him – but explains how God used it for Good.  This was used as an example to explain how God might be working through our current situation…   Here is a paragraph that was encouraging to me:
How?  How did he flourish in the midst of tragedy?  We don’t have to speculate. Some twenty years later the roles were reversed, Joseph as the strong one and his brothers the week ones.  They came to him in the dread.  They feared he would settle the score and throw them into a pit of his own making.  But Joseph didn’t.  And in his explanation we find his inspiration.     Genesis:  50:20 – As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.
     One other thought that was brought out in the first chapter was that you need to be patient while God is at work.  Sometimes God’s work takes time – he uses Moses and Noah as examples of how he worked through their circumstances.
I have always wondered why it took me so long to take the direction that I believe God wanted me to take….  He had to do allllllottt of molding to get me where I am today.  I would have preferred to be one of those Old Retired Christians that sit in the congregation doing nothing because I have put my time in.   But as I look back – I see the Wisdom in what God did for me and today I have a much better understanding of what his will may be for me.

 But remember as you go through your circumstance at the present time:

“You’ll get through this.  It won’t be painless.  It won’t be quick.   But God will use this mess for good.  In the meantime don’t be foolish or naïve.  But don’t despair either.  With God’s help you will get through this.”

**This is looking like a great book that my wife has given me and I will enjoy reading it – you may want to get you a copy of it – or email me and I will let you have this one when I am finished….

The Spiritual Battle! 4

         On my #2 Blog on this topic I explained what my Study Bible had written about the Spiritual Battle – but it also referenced Ephesians 6:10-19….   This is the part about putting on the Armor of God….  This is the only way to fight the Battle and to overcome the enemy…   Enjoy reading this scripture…
 Ephesians 6:10-19
The Whole Armor of God

  • 10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 
  •  11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.
  • 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.    
  •  13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.
  • 14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness.
  • 15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.
  • 16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.
  • 17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.       
  • 18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.      
  • 19 And pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike.

       Verse 18 is one that I cherish and is essential as we go forward in the Battle –  We must be in constant Prayer….  and always Alert….    and as verse 19 states we must ask for others to help us in prayer also…

    This is my final Blog on the topic of the Spiritual Battle – but remember the Battle is real and we must succeed in overcoming the enemy.   Use the weapons that have been given to you as you go forward….


The Spiritual Battle: 3

      A pastor friend of mine does a News Letter (Pastor Velcro) and recently one of his articles tweaked my interest in the Spiritual Battle Series I have been writing…   Please read this then I will comment.
From Pastor Velcro:
What’s your focus? The journey or the destination?
                     There are people who just love to travel. Some love to travel by car, others by motorcycle; others love to travel by boat or airplane or hot air balloon or even by walking/hiking.
                      One thing most of them have in common is that they enjoy the journey as much as or more than the destination. And what is really strange is that the stories they seem to enjoy the most are those where they encounter difficulties. What’s even crazier is that it appears the worse the difficult was, the greater the enjoyment (at least when looking back upon it).
                       It sure seems like Christians complain about their difficulties a lot. “Please God, help.” Why not embrace the difficulties? James said we should “consider it pure joy – whenever you face trials of many kinds …” He continues by showing how we grow through that process. That’s what those who love to travel understand.
                         As a Christian, do you enjoy your journey through this life? Sure, we want the destination, but we can enjoy this life that God has given us and we can look back and enjoy overcoming difficulties.

It’s your choice!

     You know he is right – we should see it as pure joy when we are going through the Battle – but most of us cannot see any Joy as we are in the midst of it.   Sometimes after we have gotten to the destination we can look back and see God’s Hand at work through the process and possibly then we can be joyful for being successful.     I was talking to one of my 2am guys (Ryan) about the Battle and he had stated that we must being doing something really right if Satan has chosen us… 

 My question to you is –  Are seeing any Joy as you go through Your Battle – if not – Rethink what the end result will be and try to see some joy while being in the Midst of it – Satan has chosen you because you are doing something he is afraid of. 

This is extremely hard to do – but the end result has a much better impact.



The Spiritual Battle: 2

     My Pastor Shaun recently did a Sermon about Paul’s request for Prayer on the battle that he was going through.  He like the rest of us had a Spiritual Battle to fight and he often sent letters to different people asking them to pray for him as he endured the Path that he was going down. 
     The scripture Shaun used was from    2 Thessalonians 3:1-5:
Paul’s Request for Prayer    1.  Finally, dear brothers and sisters, we ask you to pray for us. Pray that the Lord’s message will spread rapidly and be honored wherever it goes, just as when it came to you. 2 Pray, too, that we will be rescued from wicked and evil people, for not everyone is a believer. 3 But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. 4 And we are confident in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we commanded you. 5 May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ.
    How many of us are asking for Prayer from someone else to help us get through the Battle – rarely does this happen.    Our Battles are just like Paul’s and we should be seeking out Prayer Warriors to help us through the Battle… they will make a difference. 
           At the bottom of my Study Bible was this reference to the Scriptures above:    Beneath the surface of the routine of daily life, a fierce struggle among invisible spiritual powers is being waged.  Our main defense is prayer that God will protect us from the evil one and that he will strengthen us.   The following guidelines can help you prepare for and survive satanic attacks.

  1.  Take the threat of spiritual attack seriously.
  2. Pray for strength and help from God.
  3. Study the Bible to recognize Satan’s style and tactics.
  4. Memorize Scripture so it will be a source of help no matter where you are.
  5. Associate with those who speak the truth
  6. Practice what you are taught by spiritual leaders.

 Guys the Battle is real – what are you doing to help yourselves to make it through it successful. 

Do you have that Prayer coverage – this is a must?

Do you have that person you can talk with?

Engage the Battle with your Armor!!
