About GMM

Our Vision

Brothers in Christ inspiring unity in our communities through an annual conference.

Our Mission

GMM will host a Spirit-powered conference bringing Christian men together across many denominations and other differences to pray, to worship God, and to hear and respond to the Gospel.


Goals of each GMM event are designed to provide DEPTH

DEPTH: The Mission of GMM


our relationship with Christ

DEPTH: The Mission of GMM


that strengthens men in unity, from the Word and from the Holy Spirit

DEPTH: The Mission of GMM


to fan the flame of purpose in men to be all they are called to be in Christ

DEPTH: The Mission of GMM


to create and fortify the band of brothers in Christ, across the region within a day's travel of Cheyenne

DEPTH: The Mission of GMM

Home Church

to return Mighty Men of God to each home church, strengthening their churches to influence their communities for Christ

Our Statement of Faith

  1. We believe that there is one God, eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  2. We believe Jesus is eternally God the Son, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died as a substitute for sinners, rose from the dead, ascended to heaven and will return to earth in power and glory.
  3. We believe the 66 books of the Bible to be God’s message to mankind, inspired by the Holy Spirit, infallible, authoritative and accurate for life and eternity.
  4. We believe all people are sinners, separated from God because of their sin and that salvation is by God’s grace through faith in Christ as Savior and Lord. Good works are the evidence, not the cause, of salvation.
  5. We believe in a literal Heaven and Hell and that all people will spend eternity in one of these locations.
  6. We believe God creates each person with an immutable biological sex — male or female — and that God’s good plan for marriage joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive, life-long union, with sexual intimacy to only occur within that relationship.

Our Team

GMM Executive Hub

  • Lester Lavalais - Moderator/hook, Sponsors, Praise Music
  • Robin Roberts - Treasurer, Sponsorship asst, Promo Tm
  • David Waterstreet - Prayer, Front Line
  • Bob Wilson - Exec Dir., Secretary, Promotion Tm

GMM Leadership

  • Isaac Barcelona - Front line assist
  • Bob Born - Food Service
  • Mark De Spain - Banners, Cheyenne Outreach
  • Ron Dulemba - Regional Outreach, Promo Team, Runner
  • Darrel Harris - Regional Outreach assist, Promo Team
  • Loreto Garcia - Front Line assist
  • Ken Hopkins - Main Table
  • Dylon LaBonde - Social Media, Promotion Team
  • Timothy Madden - Front Line Supervisor, Ministry Tables
  • Bryant Poythress - Webmaster, Promotion assist
  • Brian Saunders - Photographer, Promotions Team
  • Shannon Wood - Promotions Team - graphics

GMM Advisory Pastors

  • Stevie Ganison - Advisory Pastor, Praise Music Leader
  • Randy Golden - Advisory Pastor
  • Jeremy Haroldson - Advisory Pastor, Invitation
  • Tom Perea - Advisory Pastor, Invitation liaison

GMM Conference History
Year Date Venue Speaker Theme Scripture
2010 20-Mar Little America Karl Mecklenburg - Wes Walton How Big is Your God?
2011 12-Apr Little America Mike Weaver - Scott Bloyer Alive in Christ
2012 21-Apr Little America Wes Walton - Dr. Tim Johns Driven by the Power of the Holy Spirit St. Irenaeus
2013 27-Apr Civic Center Paul Ruzinscky Activate Your Faith John 3:16
2014 May 3 Civic Center Randy Gradishar Radical Truth and Grace St. Irenaeus
2015 Oct-24 Civic Center Erwin Raphael McManus True Identity John 3:16
2016 Nov 5 CHC Matt Heard Relentless: Engaging Men to Be Fully Alive Eph. 2:5
2017 Nov-11 CHC Dr. Douglas Weiss Living the Legacy: Making a Difference Psalms 89:1
2019 Oct-26 CHC Scott Bloyer Crashing the Divide: Seeking Unity Eph. 4:13-16
2020 Oct-10 CHC Phil Vance Iron Sharpens Iron and one man sharpens another Prov. 27:17
2021 Sep-25 Civic Center Samuel Rodriguez Arise: Stand Together as The Church I Chron. 22:19
2022 Sep-22 LCCC SPA Aud. Abdu Murray Do the WORD… Speak the TRUTH John 17:17
2023 Aug-23 CrossBridge Kenny White Live It Out: Journey of Discipleship Matt 4:19