God's Mighty Men

Brothers in Christ Inspiring Unity through an Annual Conference in Cheyenne, WY


Announcing the 2024


God's Mighty Men Conference


Man of the Household: God's Steward for Family and the Cosmos


Featured Speaker: C.R. (Chris) Wiley


Saturday, August 24th, 8:30 am – 3:00pm


See Conference Page for details!


Our Vision

Brothers in Christ inspiring unity in our communities through an annual conference

Our Mission

GMM will host a Spirit-powered conference bringing Christian men together across many denominations and other differences to pray, to worship God, and to hear and respond to the Gospel.

About GMM

GMM Leadership Team

Our Leadership

GMM is blessed to have a great team of leaders and advisory pastors. Click on the link below to read more about our leadership team.

GMM Leadership Team

Our Statement of Faith

GMM brings Christian men together across many denominations. Click here to read our Statement of Faith.


GMM events are designed to promote DEPTH

DEPTH: The Mission of GMM


our relationship with Christ

DEPTH: The Mission of GMM


that strengthens men in unity, from the Word and from the Holy Spirit

DEPTH: The Mission of GMM


to fan the flame of purpose in men to be all they are called to be in Christ

DEPTH: The Mission of GMM


to create and fortify the band of brothers in Christ, across the region within a day's travel of Cheyenne

DEPTH: The Mission of GMM

Home Church

to return Mighty Men of God to each home church, strengthening their churches to influence their communities for Christ

On the second Tuesday of each month, the GMM Team prays for the city of Cheyenne. If you would like to join us please contact us

GMM brothers in Christ seek to inspire unity in our communities, across the region within a day’s travel of Cheyenne, WY.