The Spoiler:

          In my Studies I am reading the Promise Keepers study Bible and I have been in Matthew and Acts.   There is a Bio on Matthew in Chapter 9 and it names him as the Spoiler.   Matthew is someone who did not fit the mold of the rest of the Disciples – He was a Tax Collector/Publican not a Fisherman/Carpenter/Laborer.   Does that sound familiar if it were today – someone from the IRS or even worse a Politician…   what could be worse to bring into a Christian organization?
          Here is the scripture of when Matthew was called:
                    Matthew 9:  9-13>   9 As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. 10 While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” 12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
          I have to tell you – I do not believe it would be any different today if we were to call a Matthew to join in our Mission.  I have called on a Matthew type to join me and the challenges came.  Some of the guys really questioned the Wisdom of bringing someone on board that would cause so much controversy.   I need to tell you that every organization needs a Matthew – it is essential that we are in Check of ministering to all.  Just to let you know – we have an Awesome GMM TEAM – and they come from all areas of life and different denominations.  God does some powerful work through their Uniqueness and Unity…
           I have really enjoyed reading the Bio on Matthew – He must have felt like the outsider coming in.   But after being touched by Jesus – his perspectives and priorities were turned upside down.  One of the sections in the Bio about Matthew should be How God is using us:
  “God used Matthew without regard for his background, employment history or former way of life.   And God can use you too.  What you perceive as liabilities to God’s work in you are merely the same excuses that Matthew could have spouted as reasons why he shouldn’t have been trained as a disciple.  Yet God often turns the things we consider liabilities into assets for his kingdom.  Only God can accomplish this great feat.  He will take any life, regardless of background, success or failure, and turn it into something useful for his kingdom.
           I have been around several men and they all have their unique gifts that make them special.   And as Matthew – God uses them where they are at – Matthew was able to minister to Tax Collectors and Publicans when no one else could.  That is how he uses us – right where we are……….. 

So now look at yourself – ARE YOU THE Spoiler?

Is God using you because of your uniqueness?

Can you be described as a Matthew?

If yes – then you are right where God would have you – he will do some great works through you because of your Liabilities.

Enjoy the Journey as Matthew did!




Have You given Your Heart?

    This is the Season to really check out your relationship with Jesus – Does he have your Heart?   Today’s worship at church was really good and then Mike G. challenged us to make our Relationship with Jesus a much stronger one.  This time of year whether you be a Pastor or Lay Person – we get caught up in all the stuff that the Christmas Season Brings.
One of the songs that we sang was Oh How HE Loves Us……   here is a section of it.

And we are His portion and He is our prize,

Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,

If his grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.

And Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss,

And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,

I don’t have time to maintain these regrets,

When I think about the way…

He loves us,

When you think of what the Reason for the Season is — Your Heart should be on fire for the gift that was given to us.
           The other song that we sang was Here’s MY Heart Lord….    Can you answer this one with a Yes….    The portion of the song that really touched me was: 

You are more than enough

You are here, You are love

You are hope, You are grace

You’re all I have, You’re everything

When you have truly given you’re Heart to Jesus – He is all that you need… 

 So now comes the Challenge that Mike G. gave:

Where is your Heart this Christmas Season – Have you given it to Jesus – If Yes = then make this a Season of Building an Extreme Relationship with HIM.


Does God Discipline?

           We had an interesting discussion last night at our Bible study – well just a portion of it.   We were discussing the 1st Promise of a Promise Keeper:  but one of the scriptures talked about God’s Discipline:            
  Hebrews 12: 4-11.  God Disciplines His Children:  4 In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. 5 And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says,“My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,   6 because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.  7 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? 8 If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. 9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! 10 They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. 11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
        So it was brought up – Does God Really discipline or just take away our blessings…   Great Question –   and a tough one to comprehend.   I do believe that God Disciplines us – but now the question comes up “What does that look like?”  I truthfully have to tell you I do not know….   Does he cause an accident to happen to get your attention – Does he take away your job or monies or possessions?  Great questions that I do not have an answer to.
           This morning in my quiet time studies I was reading Acts 5 – now if you want to see God punish someone – just read the story about Ananias and Sapphira:
          Acts 5: 1-10.  Ananias and Sapphira:   Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. 2 With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet. 3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? 4 Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.” 5 When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. 6 Then some young men came forward, wrapped up his body, and carried him out and buried him.  7 About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. 8 Peter asked her, “Tell me, is this the price you and Ananias got for the land?” “Yes,” she said, “that is the price.”  9 Peter said to her, “How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.”  10 At that moment she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband.
          They were punished for lying about the property that they had sold and they died because of their deceit.    Does God do that today????   Once again I cannot answer that.    But after our discussion it has gotten my attention – Do I want to be disciplined by God?   I know if he does it is because He loves me and wants the best for me – so I should consider it as Joy.    If my God loves me that much – that He would do everything he could to keep me in his arms – then He must really love me – PURE JOY>        So think about this – Does God Discipline?

 As you go about your week – think about the things that you have done that may deserve Discipline and turn to God and be Forgiven.  Do not wait for the punishment to come…


Well it is Christmas Time AGAIN:

I am normally one of those HUM Bug type of people when Christmas roles around – I do not like:   Happy Holidays – Merry Xmas – and the focus going towards what am I going to buy for this person.    I know what Christmas is about and it seems to get missed…..    It is about the Birth of Christ…
          Well I have Grand Kids now and I have had to tweak my attitude a little – I do enjoy buying them gifts and watching their faces when they open them.  I do have to tell you – if you ask my Grand Kids what Christmas is about – they will give you the correct answer. 
           There is a song that Go Fish sings that gets me going each year:  enjoy….

“Christmas with a Capital C” by Go Fish Guys

           I hope you listened to the song – I can always make it through The Christmas Season after playing this a few times…
           My Tweaking recently has taken me down a different path on Christmas – it made me think “what a better time to express my belief”.   I have learned that when some tells me Happy Holidays – I can reply with a “Merry Christmas”.   I have learned that this is all it takes, they will know where my faith is by the words I SPEAK.  At work the other day some of the employees were decorating their windows and asked me about what I wanted to do with mine.   I had a big smile and said that I would like to put a Manger scene on my window.   You know most of the time it only takes a few words about the real meaning of Christmas to get people to think about the REASON FOR THE SEASON.
           Just a quick note – this is the first year I actually put lights on my front porch…..   It now shines to show that I really do not have to be a HUM Bug type of person this time of year…          

 So this Christmas Season enjoy just sharing a few words with the people you encounter.   A simple “Merry Christmas” can go a long ways in sharing your faith.


Hope can be Shocking!

Last week I was able to enjoy a trip to Torrington for work….  someone forgot to put everything on the truck and I got the pleasure of delivering the rest.   I enjoy my driving time – it is a time to Worship and Pray for me and with my new job I do not get to do it that often.
          To get back to my topic “Hope can be Shocking” – I was listening to KLove and they were doing a fund raiser for the people of Detroit.  This is one of the hardest areas that has been hit with unemployment in the USA.   If you have been looking for a Mission Trip – you do not have to look far…. there are several areas in the USA that need our Help.   (Google Detroit and you will see the need).   But one of the Speakers stated that allot of people in Detroit have lost their Hope and when they are presented with the Hope of Jesus — it is shocking.  
           KLove put together a song about Hope from several Artists and it is must song to listen to….     Hope can Change everything – it was also written for the Detroit area.
           So now my question goes back to us…  What are we doing to give people HOPE?   My Grandkids spent last week with me and Diane – one of the projects that they did was put together a Christmas box for someone who would not get to enjoy Christmas.   This was one of those WOW moments again…   They really got into thinking about what they would put into this Box that someone would need that they did not have.   It took them 2 hours of shopping to come up with the perfect Gift for someone…. (I smiled when they placed a tooth brush and tooth paste into the Box – and they also put in a special gift and lots of other items).   We can learn from our Children around us – we need to have hearts such as theirs.
           One of my Special verses is Hebrews 11:1 – “Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”   This is a verse that keeps evolving as I get older – I always thought I knew what it meant, but as I experience life it becomes clearer on the intensity of what HOPE Means and the meaning keeps changing.
          This weeks sermon Shaun had one verse that hit this also – it was also from Hebrews…  7:18 – The former regulation is set aside because it was a weak and useless – (for the law made nothing perfect) – and a better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God.        That better hope is Jesus….    now can you imagine what Detroit would be like if they all were able to receive the Gift of Jesus this Year….   another WOW moment.   But this would be a Gift for everyone that does not know Jesus..  Hope can be Shocking when you first experience it – all of your past is forgiven and you can go forward in the arms of Jesus.

 So Going back to my question – What are you doing to bring Hope into the lives of people?  Go make a Christmas Box and tell someone you care about them and that there is HOPE…


The Early Church success:

     In my studies at the present time I am in the New Testament – I like to read 3 Chapters in the Gospels and then 3 Chapter beyond them, so I picked ACTS.   I really enjoyed reading how the early Church started and the excitement that was seen in them…   The saying “Do they See Jesus in me” – the new Christians would answer this with a Big YES. 
                Part of a Study section in my Bible had a short section talking about the early church: enjoy this bit of wisdom………..
     The source of power unleashed on the day of Pentecost will never fail.  On the day the church was born, the greatest spiritual renewal in world history occurred.  The early church grew because, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, believers devoted themselves to four things:

  1.  The apostle’s doctrine.  A growing church is one that’s grounded in God’s word.Pentecost
  2. Fellowship.  These believers spent time together in corporate worship.  They cared for each other.
  3. The breaking of bread.  Early believers ate and celebrated the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper together.  Each one shared his or her resources for the benefit of the group.
  4. Prayer.  These growing believers prayed together.  Both personal and corporate prayer are crucial for spiritual growth.

      When I look at these for items – I try to bring it back to my own personal life and grade myself on each one…    so here would be my Grade….    

  1.  C – I would like to say that my studies in the Bible are grounded to an everyday event…  I do miss days and the study part needs to be a bit more in-depth.
  2. B – My Fellowship at church lacks some – but I would have to say I compensate it with getting together 2 or 3 times a week if I can with other men to fellowship over a meal or cup of coffee.
  3. C – This breaking of bread was a little different then how we celebrate the Lord’s Supper currently – it would be more of a meal and the sharing of your resources…   I enjoy the church I attend because it serves the Lord’s Supper every week but Easter…  but where I fail is having a meal with other Christians – I always seem to be too busy.  (Not a excuse).
  4. C –   My Prayer life is good at times – but we as Christians should be in the aspect of Praying without Ceasing.   There are times when this happens but it needs to happen more often…

       As you can see I have allot of work to do in order to have the excitement and passion the early church used as a foundation. 

I would encourage you to use do the same and grade yourself on the 4 items from the early church and remember you have the same helper.

The Holy Spirit

Now do they see Jesus in You?


Obedience – Joseph Style:

     I finished reading the Old Testament from the Back to the Front (just my way of getting through the Old Testament) and now I started back in the New Testament with Matthew.  I am using the Promise Keepers Men’s Study Bible this time – try picking up a different study Bible to get a different perspective.
           Well in the First part of this study Bible it picks up on Obedience and specifically the Obedience of Joseph….  As you know the story of Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus coming – Joseph needed to be prompted on being Obedient.  As the story goes on – Joseph will encounter many circumstances that requires his Obedience to keep his family safe.   “God Talks to Joseph several Times.”
           Below is an excerpt from the study Bible about Joseph’s Immediate Obedience:
          “He Arose” Those two short words communicate volumes about the character of Joseph.  Jesus` earthly father.  Upon receiving a command from God concerning the protection of his family, he immediately obeyed.  No debating, No Delaying.  Just immediate and complete obedience.
         Would Joseph’s obedience bring hardship?  Probably. And danger?  No doubt.  But still he obeyed.  And so must every man who commits to listening to God and following his commands.  The Bible has much to say about fathers and men of God – like Joseph, make your obedience immediate and complete.
         Later in Chapter 3 – it has a section of questions about Measuring Up to a Style of Joseph – and the question on Obedience is this one.
                 **Am I obedient – to God?  To my Superiors?  To the laws of the land?
           As you can see Obedience falls into many areas of our lives and God will require that we hold to what he has instructed us to do…   Can we be like Joseph and do it immediately?

This week look at those areas God is telling you what to do and follow up in the same Style Joseph did….


Statement on Marriage:

     I normally do not get into the talking about the controversial issues on my Blogs – but I would like to talk about Marriage.  If you have noticed in my last few Blogs I have talked about standing up for what you believe and that people should see Jesus in us – that includes dealing with the hard issues.
           Today’s newspaper had an article talking about “High Court Must Ban Marriage Bans”  – it was talking about Government not interfering in the private lives and the rights of citizens in their pursuit of Happiness.  (Gay Marriage)
           My Church a couple of weeks ago made a stand on Marriage and made a Declaration on what they believe…    WOW – This is something that Churches have been careful of because of the repercussions of making the Stand.  I am proud of my church for what they believe in…
    Below is their Declaration.
 Statement Concerning Same Sex Marriage
 With the recent legalization of Same Sex Marriage in the state of Wyoming I thought it was prudent to issue this statement to the church and community to make clear our stance on this issue.
 “Church’s Name” of Cheyenne holds to the Biblical definition of marriage as between one man and one woman, the definition that was given to us by God in Genesis 2:24 and affirmed by His Son Jesus Christ in Matthew 19:5 and Mark 10:6-8. We hold to the Biblical teaching that willful homosexual activity is a sinful act as taught in both the Old and New Testament (Genesis 19:4-7, Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Judges 19:22-23, Romans 1:26-27, 1Corinthians 6:9-10, 1Timothy 1:8-11). Since God and His word are our ultimate authority, we will not perform or make any resource in our stewardship available for same sex marriages. No ruling of court, legislature or even vote of the people will ever make homosexual practice acceptable for believers and no same sex marriage will ever be honored by God or this church. Legal does not equal righteous. When we are left to choose between what is legal and what God has said we will always choose what is right in the sight of God (Acts 4:19-20).
 Rest assured that God and “Church’s Name” of Cheyenne still love those who live a homosexual lifestyle.  We believe that Jesus died on the cross to free the whole world from the tyranny of all sin; including homosexuality. We believe that any sinner, including a homosexual, who will confess Christ as Lord will be forgiven of their sin and surrounded by a loving church family who will compassionately encourage them to fight temptation and walk away from their previous sinful lifestyle. We will love and stand firm with families whose children or other family members are involved in a homosexual lifestyle and not hold the sin of their family against them.
 This was signed by the Leadership of the Church….
      I did not deliberately take my Church’s name out of the Statement – I took it out hoping that other churches might take a similar stand and place their name in this spot.   Maybe we as Christians we could tweak a statement like that this and make it our own Statement (food for thought).

 Now we as Christians – can we make a Stand on what we believe in and at the same time let those who see us know that Jesus Love is working through us?????


Something in the Water

 The other night my wife and I were watching the Country Music Award and one of the Artists was singing a song – Diane looked at me and asked —  “Can you here the words of the song”.    I am extremely bad on Words and Songs – if it is not Carman or Neil Diamond – forget it…   the words just do not flow through this seasoned head, normally the Music is drowning out the words for me. (Except for maybe the words “Jesus take the Wheel” – I get those)
           So as I sat there the Words started coming and I could not believe what she was singing about… this was on National TV – with Millions watching and it was Country Music.    Below is the song – enjoy the words:   
Click here to here the Video:


“Something In The Water”

He said, “I’ve been where you’ve been before.

Down every hallway’s a slamming door.

No way out, no one to come and save me.

Wasting a life that the Good Lord gave me.


Then somebody said what I’m saying to you,

Opened my eyes and told me the truth.”

They said, “Just a little faith, it’ll all get better.”

So I followed that preacher man down to the river and now I’m changed

And now I’m stronger


There must’ve been something in the water

Oh, there must’ve been something in the water


Well, I heard what he said and I went on my way

Didn’t think about it for a couple of days

Then it hit me like a lightning late one night

I was all out of hope and all out of fight


Couldn’t fight back the tears so I fell on my knees

Saying, “God, if you’re there come and rescue me.”

Felt love pouring down from above

Got washed in the water, washed in the blood and now I’m changed

And now I’m stronger


There must be something in the water

Oh, there must be something in the water


And now I’m singing along to amazing grace

Can’t nobody wipe this smile off my face

Got joy in my heart, angels on my side

Thank God almighty, I saw the light

Gonna look ahead, no turning back

Live every day, give it all that I have

Trust in someone bigger than me

Ever since the day that I believed I am changed

And now I’m stronger


There must be something in the water (amazing grace)

Oh, there must be something in the water (how sweet the sound)

Oh, there must be something in the water (that saved a wretch)

Oh, there must be something in the water (like me)

Oh, yeah

 I am changed (I once was lost)

Stronger (but now I’m found)

      A song about Baptism – WOW on National TV.   I wish I had the Courage that Carrie Underwood  had at that moment to let people know about her faith. 

So this week as you are in the public sector – can we be as Bold as Carrie Underwood was – and let people know about Our Faith


Tough Choices:

     At the present time I am having a tough time on something I know that needs to be done and I do not want to do it…   What do I do??????
      Pastor Shaun shared the story of Jesus this last Sunday when he was in the Garden – Jesus was praying and his soul was overwhelmed with sorrow…  He was praying “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.”  (Matthew 26: 36>46).   We all know what decision he chose…
          I know my Tough Choices cannot come close to what Christ had to go through – but it is extremely comforting to know that he was Human like us and chose to do God’s will. 
           Pastor Shaun also shared the scripture in Hebrews (he is going through Hebrews) and the verse was:  (Hebrews 5:8) – Although he was a Son, He learned obedience from what he suffered…
          So through those Tough Choices that we must make – it is through Obedience that we are to accomplish God’s Will…   even when they are very hard decisions to make and we may suffer through them.
           So now back to that Tough Choice that I must make….   with the encouraging words from the Sermon on Sunday – I know what my choice has to be.   I can only do it with God on my side and his Wisdom to help me make it through the Process. 

 So if you have a major Choice to make – remember who your best example is – and be Obedient to what God’s will is.
