Tough Choices:

     At the present time I am having a tough time on something I know that needs to be done and I do not want to do it…   What do I do??????
      Pastor Shaun shared the story of Jesus this last Sunday when he was in the Garden – Jesus was praying and his soul was overwhelmed with sorrow…  He was praying “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.”  (Matthew 26: 36>46).   We all know what decision he chose…
          I know my Tough Choices cannot come close to what Christ had to go through – but it is extremely comforting to know that he was Human like us and chose to do God’s will. 
           Pastor Shaun also shared the scripture in Hebrews (he is going through Hebrews) and the verse was:  (Hebrews 5:8) – Although he was a Son, He learned obedience from what he suffered…
          So through those Tough Choices that we must make – it is through Obedience that we are to accomplish God’s Will…   even when they are very hard decisions to make and we may suffer through them.
           So now back to that Tough Choice that I must make….   with the encouraging words from the Sermon on Sunday – I know what my choice has to be.   I can only do it with God on my side and his Wisdom to help me make it through the Process. 

 So if you have a major Choice to make – remember who your best example is – and be Obedient to what God’s will is.
