Am I having an impact on the World today?

             It has been one of those interesting weeks – especially in our country and the decision that came down from the Supreme Court.   At the same time I have been reading a book from Erwin McManus (just getting started) “An Unstoppable Force”.  They really have me thinking about my impact on the World around me.
             I have had several conversations in the last few months about my personal spiritual growth and what I am working on this year.  I believe that allot of Christians including myself have not spoken out about what we believe in and have bought into the aspect of being Politically Correct or being Tolerant.  So this is my year for me to be bolder in my faith – but in such a way that Christ shines through me.  If I am going to see change in the World today – it must start with me.
                One of the quotes that I underlined in the book is:  “Species that do not adapt to change do not survive because change is an ever-present reality” & “When relationships become stagnant and the community of Christ closes itself to the outside world, the result is an institution rather than a movement”.  That has to go for me also – if I am not aware of what is going on around me in life and I am not adapting – then I am going to become stagnant and non-effective.   
                So going back to the Court decision:  I listened to a good pastor friend of mine (Pastor Velcro) on a Video about the subject and he was excellent – a few of his points really encouraged me.    First of all if this really surprised me – then I really need to pay attention to what is happening in the world.  This should not have been awakening when the decision came down – it has been in the works for a very long time.   The book I am reading also mentioned the same thing about Prayer being taken of our School system – it should not have surprised me. 
          Then Pastor Velcro stated – this does not change his beliefs and this should not change what I believe in.  “YUP”              The biggest thing we must remember is the Greatest commandments:    “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'”   This is a must if I am going to be effective in the world that surrounds me. 
     So as I am looking at how I am going to go forward – I must remember that God is in Control and he knew this was coming – so my response has to be in Love.   It did not surprise God of the decision my Country would make – our country has the freedom to make choices and this is the choice they made.  

 So as you respond to a decision that you may not agree on – remember the World is wanting to see how you Respond!

As Pastor Velcro finished his talk – “I feel Loved”.

My question to you is:  So do those around you feel loved? 
