God’s Men at the Weight Bench

In this 4 minute video clip from our GMM 2019 conference, keynote speaker Pastor Scott Bloyer illustrated 2Cor1:24 with four pastors around the weight bench.

My brothers of God’s Mighty Men: how can WE this apply this, sharing life with other brothers in Christ across ALL our networks of relationships? Let’s be intentional in walking this out.

How about extending these pastors’ weight bench “lifting partner” illustration to these possibilities:

• Among your family, extended family and closest friends?

• At fellowship of your congregation?

• Among co-workers of your church, and partners with other church/para-church ministries?

• In your secular organization relationships with Christian co-workers and volunteers?

• Among Christian acquaintances, neighbors, and casual friends with shared interests?

In order of appearance:

• Scott Bloyer, Pastor, Elevation Christian Church – Aurora, CO

• Fred Gallop, Pastor-in-residence, Element Church – Cheyenne WY

• Christopher Xanthos – Presbyter, Orthodox Church – Cheyenne WY

• Ernesto Hastey, Pastor, Iglesia Bautista Emanuel – Cheyenne WY

What Matters

For our first blog of 2020, GMM Info Tech & Social Media leader Bryant Poythress looks back at Kenny White’s Oct. 2019 “Pastor Blast” …

I’m a hero worshipper (of sorts). I think that’s why I like mysteries, westerns and of course super-hero tales. While struggling with personal issues, they are all engaged in fighting something much larger than themselves. 

And you see, this is also true of us as believers. Kenny White made the point that we all need to develop thick skin, and that’s exactly what Paul was describing when he said, “Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties…” and here’s the key: “for Christ’s sake” (2 Cor 12:10).

Paul’s focus was such that nothing in this world would distract him in the battle nor could deter him from his goal. He fought hard to ensure that only those things which Jesus deemed worthy were suitable to fit in his life. Kenny listed three things that God has given us to enjoy, to refresh us, to challenge us and to help guide and build us into men worthy of His service. Do you remember what those were? 

Watch this short clip from the conference
to be reminded of what can help us to have ‘thick skin’.

Watch Video

What do YOU want to remember from the 2019 Conference?

GMM intends that our conferences help every attendee go deeper in his relationship with Christ, to be encouraged to passionately live out God’s call in a team of brothers ministering in our home churches, in unity across our community. 

We were blessed by lots of speakers!  Consider this outline taken from the program and email gmmgodsmightymen@gmail.com with a key point or moment you remember from a 2019 conference speaker. Refresh your memory using the links to the various segments posted on the “2019 Conference” page.  Then stay tuned: we’ll be posting some memorable extracts from the conference in coming weeks and months.
Music / Worship Leaders
Opening Prayer: Mike Perez
Main Speaker: Pastor Scott Bloyer, Elevation Christian Church, Aurora, CO
Pastor Blasts  

  • Missionary Jerry Singh / One-Way Evangelistic Ministries, Cheyenne, WY
  • Presbyter Christopher Xanthos / Holy Apostles Orthodox Church, Cheyenne, WY
  • Pastor T. Jay Smith / Beacon Hill Church
  • Pastor Fred Gallop / Element Church, Cheyenne, WY
  • Pastor Keith Miller / Meadowbrooke Church, Cheyenne, WY
  • Pastor Jode Dereemer / Recovery ministries at Cheyenne Hills Church, Cheyenne, WY
  • Pastor Kevin Frank / CrossPoint Fellowship @ Congregational Church
  • Pastor Kenny White / Cheyenne Hills Church, Cheyenne, WY

Presentation by GMM Advisory Pastors

  • Pastor Jason King / Living Water Church, Cheyenne, WY
  • Pastor Dan Irish / Harvest Time Christian Fellowship, Cheyenne, WY
  • Pastor Dan DeBruyn / Corssroads Coummunity Church, Pine Bluffs

Military Moment: Justin Walrath, Colonel, WY Air Natl Guard, Commander, 153d Airlift Wing
Closing Prayer: Lester Lavalais

Crashing the divide … Seeking Unity

This 2019 GMM conference theme is vital for GMM.

WHO ARE WE? God’s Mighty Men came from the recognition that throughout our region men need the support of other brothers in Christ. “What if,” we asked, “God would start a ministry in which making disciples and building unity across denominations was the priority?” God’s Mighty Men was founded in 2009 with the goal of providing a Christ-centered nondenominational forum connecting and reaching out to the men of the Front Range. We understood that Christ has a plan and special purpose for each of us. The team started work and the first GMM Conference was held at Little America in March of 2010.

The conference outline is simple: bring men together, encourage them in their faith, then send them back to their families and churches with a renewed vision of God’s directing role in their lives. In the first century, Jesus took men who were fishermen, tax collectors, soldiers and outcasts and empowered them to live out God’s plan in all of life. We are confident in his promise to do the same for us today. We’ve watched God move in amazing ways to bring together the Christian men, sponsors and other resources needed to hold our annual conferences that bless the participants, all our churches, and our various communities across the Front Range.

Families, churches, and society desperately need men who embrace all that God created us to be. During this year’s program we’re being encouraged to “CRASH THE DIVIDE”: any barrier that deters men in the body of Christ from walking together in Jesus’ will.  We are men seeking UNITY across various denominations, cultures, races, ages, and other differences on the common ground of our faith in Jesus Christ.

(Ephesians 4:13 -16, ESV)… until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.

As God’s Mighty Men, let us boldly answer the call!

Mark Oct. 26, 2019 on your calendar, gather your brothers in Christ

2019 GMM Conference – Crashing the Divide: Seeking Unity

MEN OF FAITH mark your calendars for “Crashing the Divide”! The God’s Mighty Men (GMM) Conference will be October 26th from 8:30AM to 1:00PM at Cheyenne Hills Church. Keynote speaker Scott Bloyer will encourage us as men to lead the way, as we seek unity on the common ground of our faith in Jesus Christ. Check out the intro video, gather your brothers and get your tickets under the Conference tab at godsmightymen.com.

What's the "signature sin" for men in our community?

Last week Steve W, Jim S and I had the pleasure of meeting with Pastor Scott Bloyer, the keynote speaker for our 2019 conference. Scott blessed us with about two hours of his time to get acquainted, hear about his vision for men’s ministry, and flesh out event preparations. It was an inspiring conversation with deep discussion on many joyful as well as hard topics.  This year’s conference promises to be excellent!

Scott asked us: what is the signature sin of all men in our community? There were several good answers. I suggested “Idolization of Self”: considering yourself God and adopting the attitude of the lyrics around I did it “My Way”.  As I reflect on that, I think my self-centeredness comes from the worst aspect of PRIDE. St. Augustine wrote, “Pride is the commencement of all sin because it was this which overthrew the devil, from whom arose the origin of sin; and afterwards it subverted [man] in the same way in which he himself fell. For the serpent, in fact, only sought for the door of pride whereby to enter when he said, ‘Ye shall be as gods.”

If I want to be my own “mighty man” I won’t be God’s mighty man: I’ll resist the true Christian fellowship described in the Bible, and I won’t be a blessing to my family, my church and my community.

Brothers, we are called to something much better than rugged individualism. Mark your calendar to reserve Saturday, Oct. 26th, for “Crashing the Divide: Seeking Unity”.

Go Deep!

GMM “Hub” leader Lester L. writes: We had a special guest, a month ago, and one of the encouraging things he said to us “was for us to minimize the pain and maximize the enjoyment.” We are in some form or fashion experiencing life challenges and /or difficulties. And I believe we have loved ones observing how we operate during these life experiences. I’m continuing to learn and understand it’s not about me. It’s about my Heavenly Father, and what he wants to do through me. I’m still working on self to get out of the way, so please be patient with me.
In Luke 5, after Jesus was done speaking he told Simon to throw out his net into the deep for a catch. Simon said to him, Master I have toiled all night, and caught nothing, but nevertheless, I will do as you requested.
Jesus knows we might feel broke, busted and disgusted at times in our life. At those points we want to give up! But I pray we say nevertheless: at thy word we will let down our net. “Go Deep, so we can have deeper love, deeper forgiveness, deeper commitment to our Heavenly Father. I believe Simon, from that experience was able to minimize his pain and maximize his enjoyment! His net was so loaded down he had to ask his partners to ask to come and be blessed!
Brothers and sisters I believe our day is coming! Keep the faith! Let’s Go Deep!
–Lester L.

Compassion leads to ACTION!

Pastor Shaun was teaching about Compassion and that true Compassion which leads to an Active Action. A few of the Scriptures that were mentioned are:

  1. Matthew 14:14 > When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
  2. Matthew 15:32 > Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.”
  3. Mark 6:34 > When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.
  4. Luke 15:20 > So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

As you see 3 of these scriptures are about Jesus having compassion with the people who are in front of him and the last one is about a Father having compassion for his son.
If we are going to be a light shining for Jesus we must put our Compassion into Action and look for those opportunities that are right in front of us. This includes our family members – this one hit me the hardest and I know that I need to improve on this one allot.   It is an area that I have failed at recently and since Pastor Shaun’s message I have taken a step back and looked for ways that I can change. If I am to have an impact in presenting Jesus to my sons or siblings I need to show some compassion in the areas that discourage me. It is helping.
My study Bible showed a long list of people that Jesus showed compassion to and several of these I would struggle with putting my Compassion into Action.
For Example my version for a few on the list:

  • Those on Drugs who are insane at the time.
  • Those I oppose on political issues.
  • A religious leader whose views contradict what the Bible says.
  • A really sick person who is contagious (Leprosy was the one on the list).
  • The homeless on the street begging for money or help.

These are just a few of the ones that I would struggle with. I know that I need to pray for wisdom and understanding to get past the issues I have. If I am to put my Compassion into Action I need to be able to get past my flaws and let Jesus shine through me.

What does your list look like with those you struggle in putting your Compassion into Action?

Work on letting Jesus shine through you in these tough areas! 

Let your Compassion Lead you into ACTION.


Merry Christmas

I just want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS —   Enjoy your families and friends – I will see/write you next year.                               Bobbyg
**This picture was shared on Facebook by Bonnie F.   and it is the reason for the season…  enjoy.


My wife just bought me another Joy cup, but I must explain why.   Just before I retired in 2016 my co-worker knew I was struggling during Christmas time at the post office. So he bought me a Joy cup to put on my desk to remind me that I was the only person that could let someone take away my Joy.   It worked and I made it to retirement. So Diane wanted to remind me that I needed some more Joy during this Christmas season.
This is a Season of Joy and to celebrate that birth of Jesus, when God became man (This was His gift to us).   This season also brings some challenges to those who have lost a loved one or going through a hard time. This brings me back to my Joy cup – it reminds me that I can help others get through their hard times by being there for them with a smile and understanding. My aunt passed away Sunday and even though there will be sorrow I know where she is now (HEAVEN).
This is also a time of year when there are is great Music about the reason for the season – so if you see me in my car and it looks like I am talking to myself — I am probably just singing.   I would like to share a couple of my favorite songs (These are both done with no instruments – what is the at called-  LOL).
Mary did you know? By Pentatonix….     [button link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifCWN5pJGIE” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Mary did you know[/button]  
Christmas with a Capital C.   By Go Fish….   [button link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkIj94yepfU” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Christmas with a Capital C[/button]  

I hope you have your favorite songs during this Christmas season that explain the reason for the Season and go forth with JOY>>>>>
