SAVE THE DATE — Aug 26 for GMM2023 Conference!

Ministry leaders and other friends of God’s Mighty Men: great news! We have our GMM2023 venue & main speaker confirmed for Saturday, 8/26/23. The keynote address, and more, will be given by Pastor/speaker Kenny White (Friendship Church of Shakopee MN). We are finalizing arrangements to rent the CrossBridge Alliance Church venue here in Cheyenne. 

Pastor Kenny’s messages will invigorate us for this year’s theme — God’s Mighty Men: Live It Out! on the journey of discipleship. Be sure to hold Saturday, August 26th on your church, ministry, and personal calendars. Lots more soon. Until then…

May God guide & bless each of you in your ministries!

Pastor Blast from Joe Niverson

If you were at GMM 2022 on Sept. 17, you are sure to remember the Pastor Blast from Joe Niverson, Director of Pastoral Care for Volunteers of America…

He started to tell us how one man’s decision to speak the truth and do the word saved his life.

We were riveted! Nearing the end of his three-minute time limit, Joe told how he threw “Coop” to the floor in a fit of rage… and then went up to his room to pack, because he KNEW he was going to jail… Then – from the shadows of stage left, THE HOOK approached… The crowd cried out “LET HIM FINISH!” But there was to be no mercy from the relentless clock. Now, back by popular demand: turn up your volume and give Reverend Joe 3 minutes more, to tell you the REST of his story

P.S., if you missed GMM2022, you can check out his original 9/17 Pastor Blast here: . The rest of the conference is indexed in our previous email, forwarded below.

Video invitation from GMM 2022 keynote speaker Abdu Murray

Watch this two-minute video invitation to GMM 2022 on 9/17/22 from keynote speaker Abdu Murray!  

Abdu is an Attorney, speaker with Embrace the Truth, and author of Saving Truth: Finding Meaning & Clarity in a Post-Truth World. Abdu offers the credibility of the gospel message as a writer and frequently dialogues on college campuses. Bring your hard questions! His insights are more applicable in 2022 than ever. The messages on his YouTube channel resonate with our conference theme:

 “Do the WORD… Speak the TRUTH
Abdu’s full bio and conference details are posted on our webpage….


WHEN: Saturday Sept. 17, 2022, 8:30AM – 1PM (Doors open at 8.)

WHERE: Cheyenne’s Laramie County Community College SPA auditorium

TICKETS: $20 cash at the door (or buy early online, to be sure ).
QUESTIONS? … about accessibility accommodations, business sponsor and volunteer opportunities for church/parachurch ministry, or to change your email subscription preferences?Email: [email protected]

As four pastors urge us in this one minute video: let’s do this, Kingdom men. See you on Sept. 17th!

Buy tickets now for GMM 2022: “Do the WORD… Speak the TRUTH” – 9/17/22

Less than two months to go before GMM2022! Mark your calendar, and rally your brothers, friends and acquaintances to join us Saturday morning, Sept. 17th in Cheyenne’s Laramie County Community College auditorium.

Capacity is limited: get your ticket now to be sure to have a seat for GMM 2022.

Purchase e-Ticket – $20 plus online fees. (The conference webpage has info to advance purchase a block of hardcopy tickets offline. Individual tickets may be purchased with cash at the door on Sept. 17th, if available.)

Main speaker Abdu Murray is superbly able to equip us for these contentious times. Abdu offers the credibility of the gospel message as a writer and frequently dialogues on college campuses, believing that truth, when embraced, brings freedom. In fielding questions after his addresses, he will model how we ought hear, respect, and answer each person in ways that touch both mind & heart.

Go to the GMM – God’s Mighty Men conference webpage and check out details, but be sure to prepare to invite others by sampling Abdu’s YouTube channel: of three to nine minute videos.

We also have an outstanding lineup of other speakers addressing the 2022 God’s Mighty Men conference, including:

Spotlight on Meeting Together – Cole Church, UW student and guest speaker at Cheyenne Hills Church.
Spotlight on Unity – Pastor Tom Perea from Restoration Fellowship.

“Pastor Blast” speakers from four regional Christian churches and ministries. 

Do the WORD… Speak the TRUTH

5 Minute ‘Look Back’

If you missed GMM2021, or even if you came: watch this 5 minute “look back” extract of a few of the best parts.
The first extract is from Dr. Dick Berry’s “Spotlight on Hope” — be equipped, as a Christian, to prevent suicide.

Second, remember Chaplain Vince Shaw’s (USAF) “Pastor Blast”, and watch him get hooked off the stage. 😀

Want to go deeper? Watch both of these addresses in their entirety, and more, through the GMM2021 webpage.

Hold the Date, and get psyched for this year’s theme: Do the Word… Speak the Truth

The full announcement for our Saturday, 9/17/22 GMM Conference with Abdu Murray is coming soon!

Brothers in Christ, ARISE!

If you missed the GMM2021 conference, watch this 5-minute clip for a taste of Pastor Sam Rodriguez’ humor and his challenges. Then, go deeper by watching both of his addresses linked through the GMM2021 webpage.

Men who came: do you remember? Watch the clip. Were you one of God’s mighty men who came forward, who arose to be part of revival… to join hands with brothers and stand as light, as a catalyst for revival in our families, churches, and communities? Watch a couple minutes of that invitation, remember, and re-commit.

ALL: Do the Word… Speak the Truth. Stay tuned for the announcement of GMM2022, coming to Cheyenne this fall!

Video of the GMM 2021 Conference

We were absolutely BLESSED by our speakers on 9/25/21! For those who missed it, and for guys like me who want to review the deep messages we heard, the videos can be accessed through the GMM website. Or, you can link directly to each presentation using the outline (below).

— ARISE: … Stand together as The Church September 25, 2021 —

PROGRAM AGENDA with timestamp/links to each segment:  

8:30am . . . . Praise Music – the Band (also appears between many speaker addresses)

8: 35am. . . . GMM Welcome/Prayer: Mel Turner & Lester Lavalais

8:45am . . . . Spotlight on Truth: Justice Keith Kautz, Wyoming Supreme Court

9:15am . . . . Main Speaker Kick-Off: Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian
Leadership Conference, Pastor of New Season Church

9:55am . . . Break – refreshments, fellowship and visit ministry tables

10:45am . . . Competition: Kevin Cates, Laramie County Director of FCA Wyoming

10:55am . . . Spotlight on Hope: Dr. Richard Berry, Psychologist, Cheyenne WY

11:05am . . . Pastor Blasts – Mel Turner introducing:

> Chaplain Vincent Shaw, USAF, Cheyenne

> Rev. Fr. R. Joseph Collins (and reprise), Holy Apostles Christian Orthodox Church, Cheyenne

> Pastor Stevie Ganison, New Kingdom Church of God in Christ, Cheyenne

> Kolten Powell, Navigators Campus Director at the University of Wyoming, Laramie

11:33am . . . . Main Speaker: Rev. Samuel Rodriguez

12:25pm. . . . Invitation: Pastor Nathan Winters

12:38pm . . . . Wrap-up: Mel Turner

12:47pm . . . . Closing Prayer: Lester Lavalais

Subscribe! If you are signed in to YouTube, while you’re at our channel click subscribe and then click the little bell just to the right of that button: that should automatically send you notifications of future new videos as we make them public.
Your GMM leaders want to hear what you think! To give us your feedback about what was good and/or shortfalls, or to change your email preferences, please contact us at [email protected].

To God be the glory, forever!

Bonus info on Pastor Sam

Just two and a half weeks to go before this exceptional Christian men’s conference at the Cheyenne Civic Center… rally your friends, go to the GMM – God’s Mighty Men conference webpage and get your tickets now ($20pp) to join us Saturday morning, 8:30-1pm Sept. 25th.Main speaker Pastor Samuel Rodriguez has recorded a one-minute Challenge video to personally invite you. He is a board member of Promise Keepers — watch this standout 4 minute excerpt from the July 2021 PK Men’s Conference.  In this crucial time, we are blessed to welcome him to our region, as our main speaker.  We also have an outstanding lineup of other speakers addressing the 2021 God’s Mighty Men conference, including:

Spotlight on Truth – Keith Kautz, Wyoming Supreme Court Justice
Spotlight on Hope – Dr. Dick Berry, Psy.D., specializes in loss, grief and suicide prevention.

Pastor Blast speakers from four regional Christian churches and ministries. Are you ready to stand together, in Jesus’ name? Visit the conference webpage, share this email, “Follow” on Facebook, and join us on Sept. 25th!

Want bonus info on Rev. Samuel Rodriguez?

Many of us have known of Pastor Sam as a world-class Christian leader speaking scriptural truth to power about hard issues for years. He was asked to advise Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump to advance life, religious liberty and biblical justice. Here’s his recent interview about “the delicate balance between pastoring and political activism.” Here are a few other highlights to whet your interest to read his full bio on our webpage. He is: 

  • Lead pastor of New Season, one of America’s most influential mega churches 
  • President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, one of the world’s largest Christian organizations 
  • Among the “Top 100 Christian Leaders in America” (Newsmax 2018)
  • Named by The Wall St. Journal as one of the top 12 Latino leaders 
  • Film producer and author of many bestseller books (like The Lamb’s Agenda) 
  • Recipient of the Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award presented by the Congress of Racial Equality.

We hope these GMM conference notices are of value to you, and you will forward to others to subscribe themselves. For new subscriptions or to unsubscribe, email: [email protected].

ARISE, stand together as the church

Watch the one-minute Challenge video by GMM 2021 keynote speaker Rev. Samuel Rodriguez!  We have an outstanding lineup of other speakers for the 2021 God’s Mighty Men conference too, including: 

  • Spotlight on Truth – Keith Kautz, Wyoming Supreme Court Justice
  • Spotlight on Hope – Dr. Dick Berry, Psy.D. Counseling, expert on suicide prevention 

We have four inspirational Pastor Blast speakers from regional Christian churches and ministries. Do you know these guys? Check the conference webpage, share this email, “Follow” on Facebook, buy your ticket and come with your friends.  
Pastor Sam Rodriguez is an amazing, world class Christian leader and prominent public figure and speaker. Our conference theme resonates with his messages. One recent sermon that emphasized: “The things that are happening in culture cannot be solved by partisan politics. It’s the church that has the answer.” His and other speaker bios are posted on our conference webpage.  
The event is Saturday Sept. 25, 2021 from 8:30AM to 1:00PM at the Cheyenne Civic Center in WY. For details:
Tickets are $20 (plus a small fee).
Website —
For questions about accessibility accommodations, business sponsor and volunteer opportunities for church/parachurch ministry, or to change your email subscription preferences, email: [email protected]Are you ready to stand together, in Jesus’ name? Join us on Sept. 25th!Bob Wilson, GMM CEO

What Matters

For our first blog of 2020, GMM Info Tech & Social Media leader Bryant Poythress looks back at Kenny White’s Oct. 2019 “Pastor Blast” …

I’m a hero worshipper (of sorts). I think that’s why I like mysteries, westerns and of course super-hero tales. While struggling with personal issues, they are all engaged in fighting something much larger than themselves. 

And you see, this is also true of us as believers. Kenny White made the point that we all need to develop thick skin, and that’s exactly what Paul was describing when he said, “Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties…” and here’s the key: “for Christ’s sake” (2 Cor 12:10).

Paul’s focus was such that nothing in this world would distract him in the battle nor could deter him from his goal. He fought hard to ensure that only those things which Jesus deemed worthy were suitable to fit in his life. Kenny listed three things that God has given us to enjoy, to refresh us, to challenge us and to help guide and build us into men worthy of His service. Do you remember what those were? 

Watch this short clip from the conference
to be reminded of what can help us to have ‘thick skin’.

Watch Video