21 Days of Prayer for The GMM Conference

I would like to challenge everyone that reads this blog to take up the 21 day prayer vigil to cover the GMM Conference with the Mighty Power of  Prayer – this is a must and it is what will win the Battle as we go forward.   If you read this after April 7th – please start today.
Thanks                                            Bobbyg
GMM 21 Days of Prayer:    Starts April 7th
Theme:   “Activate Your Faith”

  1.  God’s protection over the conference –  WOW and GMM
  2. The speakers.    Main Speakers and Pastor Blasts – check out the Conference Details on this WEB site – pray specifically for each one.
  3. The GMM Team as we prepare.
  4. WOW — they have two events coming up – April 13th and 20th – cover them with prayers in all areas of their events.
  5. The Men that come to this – that they may leave with a greater relationship with Christ.
  6. The Churches and their Men.
  7. That they will see Jesus in us.
  8. The details of the Event in all areas.
  9. We have a tough topic on Pornography which will be directed towards Purity…  That this would be heard and healing will come to all.

Guys the list could go on – but I would really like each of you to focus on specific areas of what is coming and that Jesus would be the focus of why we do what we do….  It is all about him…

Piercing of the Heart!

At the very first GMM conference one of the guys doodled something similar to the image below and I thought it was great. I asked him if he could do one in color and this is the art piece he came up with. What he got out of the conference was something great and there is more to the story in the following weeks on his relationship with Christ. I thought it would be great to write something about what I thought it meant to me. Enjoy the Blog.

I have a picture of our GMM logo on my wall and the title of it is “Piercing of the Heart” and then this saying:

“To be on fire for Jesus Christ – he must penetrate your Heart, but that does not mean that you will not have Heart Aches along the way.”

When you look at this image – it has a different meaning for everyone – all depending on where GOD is working on you at the present time.  This saying has become something that I have been pondering on lately.   I have seen God at work on me and several of my really good friends and the re-molding in us is producing some great things.   When God starts molding us for what he wants us to do – this can be very painful physically/spiritually and the world around us starts to change.
I have looked at my journey in the last 5 years and it has been a direction that I would not have chosen on my own.  When God took control, it was not what I expected and it was extremely scary.  As I went through the molding process – my Relationship with Christ went to a Greater level.  I had to depend on him to meet my needs and my prayer life became enhanced beyond what I could have believed.   I could drive to Jackson Wy. And back and never turn the radio on – I would just talk to God the entire time.

But now if you look at this picture – besides the Thorns – there is also a Flame and Rays of Light.   Through the molding that I went through – I would do it again if that is what God required of me to get me where he could use me.   The results of GOD’s Work have brought me a sense of Joy – Peace – Boldness – Trust and allot more Gifts of the Spirit.   I still worry at times and have stressful days – but it has taught me to pray even harder and the results come.

So please allow Christ to start Piercing your Heart today and enjoy the Journey that he has planned for you and the Work he can do through You..


Real Strength

I have been doing a Bible study for Men called Quiet Strength from the book that Tony Dungy wrote…  This week we discussed What is Strength… and The Big Question again:  “Can Real Strength be found in the man who is courageous enough to weather the storms of life and humble enough to look for support?     It seems that men see weakness when we cannot take care of our problems on our own and so we do not seek the Guidance of God and a couple of 2am guys.   It is really a lonely place when the troubles of life over power you and in the midst of it all – you fail to seek help.  I have learned that when life gets really bad – I will send a Text to several of my 2am guys and ask them to pray and then I start praying fervently…  “I had to do that this weekend” – it was a life saver.  If I do this instead of being reactive – then GOD’s wisdom will take control and give me guidance.   I just finished reading Nehemiah in my studies and he was a great example of praying and then listening to what God had to say.
One of the other sayings from the book this week was – “Regardless of how we are wired, strength is found in having the faith to look to God to change us and to obey Him in what He has called of us to do.”      Faith and Obedience – have you seen how these seem to go together as we go forward in life – and this takes real strength to follow this path.   We have to give up our Power and turn it over to God and then we need to be Obedient to what he calls us to do.   Have you ever had one of those experiences where God has called you to do something that you know that you do not have the strength to follow through with it?    I encountered one of those a couple of years ago – and it was through prayer that I was able to accomplish what he had asked.   I had been asked to have one of those tough talks with someone (A Coke as Bob Norris would call it) and there was no way that I wanted to even attempt that type of talk – I was not qualified.  Then God and I came to an understanding – I would do it – but I needed to be given assurance that I was supposed to do it.  I had asked for a sign of affirmation and when I got there – the sign was much greater than I anticipated – one of those WOW things.  It was the right thing to do and with God’s strength it turned out great.
Try it – doing something that is greater then you and ask God to take you through it………
The last bit of wisdom that came from the study was “Strength is made evident when you hear God calling you out of the old way and into the new—and you follow that call. Real Strength is found in reaching up to God in the middle of uncertainty and fear while standing in faith on the promises He has given.”     This is life changing when we go forward with this type of outlook…   So as you go forward into the next couple of weeks – look for what God is asking you to Change….   And put your Faith and Obedience into Action…  Our theme this year for the GMM Conference is “Activate Your Faith”  –  this looks different for everyone – but when you do =  Real Strength Comes.
So Make those Changes as they are revealed and see How Powerful Life Becomes.

Where is your house built? On a Rock or on Sand?

Where is your house built?  On a Rock or on Sand?
Matthew 7:24-27:  24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
            Shaun preached on this today and when I read my commentary at the bottom of my Bible – it raised some thoughts.  “Vs 24 – Practicing obedience becomes the Solid Foundation to weather the storms of life”.    As Shaun stated – this scripture is not about where you build your home – but where do you put your belief.   As verse 24 states – who hears these words of mine and puts them to practice is like a wise man.  
            I have been reading Nehemiah in my quiet time and it just so happens in my Men’s Bible study it has also addressed Nehemiah (Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy).   Nehemiah has put his Obedience in God and is asking to rebuild the Walls of Jerusalem.  He has to put allot of prayer into what he is going to do and then listen to God’s directions.  This requires allot of Obedience on his part in what God has directed him to do.   So Obedience is a major part of going forward in what we have read and been told to do. 
            So once again – Where is your faith built upon – Is it in total Surrender to Jesus Christ with all that we have – or are you depending on your own wisdom.  When you go down the path of Obedience in Jesus Christ – there will be challenges such as Nehemiah’s that are going to be bigger than anything we can accomplish on our own. 
            I have been reminded of this several times in the past few years about this time of year…  The GMM team is an Awesome group of men that God has put together to do some great works.  I seem to have several Panic attaches about this time of year as we prepare for the event and several of the GMM team reminds me of where my focus needs to be.   It must be focused on Jesus and he is the rock that I must go forward on.   You know what – all things turn out well… and when we go forward in Obedience and Prayer – great things happen. 
            So once again – where is your house built – rock or sand? 

A Great Word From Lester

Brother in times like these God continues to show HIS Face, He Is The Great I
Am! I am encouraged by The Holy Spirit and how He is moving in our hearts. As we
focus on Jesus commandments to love our God first and foremost above everything
else and love our brothers as Christ loves us, we have the victory over self ,
pride and whatever tries to hinder our walk in Christ.I pray we be obedient to
God and His way. The love of God starts at home and grows from there. Its about
Him not us, and no matter what His will be done.
Blessings Lester

Whom Shall I Fear!

A great Question to ponder on – Whom Shall I Fear….
In my preparing for my Monday Night Bible study – the scripture was Acts 9: 1 > 19 – the story of Paul on his way to Damascus to persecute more Christians.  This was when Paul had a special encounter with Jesus and I would bet this question became real.
As many of us have done – we believe that we are doing GOD’s work only to find out – he has a better plan for us.  Paul’s plan seemed to have been extremely misguided but he believed in it with all his heart.  There is this saying in the study “We can make the Plans, but the Lord determines the Steps”.   We probably will not have the encounter Paul did to change the direction we are going, but if we keep persevering in God’s will – he will make his ways known to us.
Now where does our Fear fall – is it in the Material parts of this world or is in the Great Wisdom that comes from the Fear of the Lord.  I am one of those Seasoned people who had always feared what the world was looking at…   Money – Possessions – Success – Having Great Friends – Family – Money – stuff…   I was a late bloomer when it came to the Paul experience and God changed my world.  It does happen – we just have to be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
In the Study I am doing “Quiet Strength” from Tony Dungy – he has a great comment…  “God had already selected the team I would be coaching.  I just needed to do my current job well, keep preparing, and wait on God’s timing.  I needed to trust His leadership, rather than try to force an outcome I wanted.”
WOW – what a statement – I being one of those who expierenced a Paul awakening late in life – I could see God’s timing in the molding of what he would have me be.   I am starting down that Paul journey with a whole new look at life, but it is an amazing Journey that I know will have my Fear being directed towards Christ.
But as Paul and Tony had done – “You have to be doing your current job well – and keep your focus on the one directing your steps”

Perseverance: Where are You?

I attended church today at NCC to be with my Dad –  but my brother forget to bring him… well not really, Dad was sick so I enjoyed sitting with my third brother Lloyd G..  The Sermon was on Change – Choice and Checking In-Out-Up and was using the Scripture in 2 Peter.
The Topic of Change and Choice really stood out for me…  @ 5 years ago I had decided to one of those Retired Christians –  I had put my dues in and was ready to be a seasoned one.  Well these Versus brought back an area that God had hit me hard with –  “FAITH”.
                    2nd Peter 1: vs. 5-8:            5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
            Can You see the progression:  Goodness – Knowledge – Self Control – Perseverance – Godliness – Affection – Love.  And then it ends with – “This will keep you from being Ineffective and Productive”.   WOW….   We have a Choice to make (Old or Young) and with that choice comes Change.  One of the main words that stood out for me was Perseverance – this is a must in our Christian Walk.
The Direction I had chosen 5 years ago would have been wrong and when I paused and listened to some great wisdom – I knew I was wrong.   That is where the knowledge came in and one of the ways I keep this intact today is by being involved with a couple of Men’s groups.  In these Groups is where I work on the other qualities to keep increasing my knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I met with a future Nephew In-law yesterday and he reaffirmed that we really need to keep this intact (James – thank YOU).
So which part of that progression are you at and what are you doing to go forward?   Please remember that the Lord is (2nd Peter 3:9 second part of the verse) “He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance”.  
   So my closing words would be – there is no Retirement for any Christian and we must Preserver in going forward in our Christian Walk
 Bobby G           comments can be sent to [email protected]

The Church United

I attended a CAE (Cheyenne Association of Evangelicals) Meeting today and was truly blessed to see visionaries (Tom Perea – thanks) coming from this Group.   They were excited about getting about 20 to 30 churches together and bring in the Covey of Hope – a group that has a passion to feed the world.    It reminded me of the scripture:
Matthew 18:20 – For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”
WOW – what would that look like – “The Church” coming together as one to serve the community?   It has been an amazing site to see our local Pastors having a Vision of coming together and being united in one cause.
When the GMM Board came together to come up with a Theme for this year’s GMM men’s Conference   “Activate Your Faith” – one of the main driving factors was finding a project to unit men.     The GMM Board had come up with some ideas (Going Forward Like a Crash of Rhinos –  Living Your Faith – Faith)  but after a great meeting with a couple of Local Pastor =  we came up with our Powerful Theme.
Roger Whitmore and I were having Lunch and discussing a Topic that another Pastor (Velcro) had mentioned to me and it was amazing to see The Power of the Spirit at work.   Velcro had mentioned putting together a service project in the Down Town area to help people out….   Roger had stated – that it would be Great to see men   “Activate Their Faith” – then came the Theme.
So after the Meeting today – there it was — a project that all the Churches in Cheyenne could do to come together and “Activate Their Faith” as “The Church”.
The message would be a Powerful one when people of this area see Faith in Action and get to experience the Power of Churches being united.
So Guys as we go forward – please be praying for this event on August 31st to come together and be successful.
BobbyG                  Comments can be sent to [email protected]
PS – I still like the theme “Going Forward Like a Crash of Rhinos”  JJ

What's Around US

I have one of those Head things going again – there is allot of stuff bouncing around up there, pushing all my hair out.   God has me focusing on what is around me and what can I do about it…  as my friend Nick would say – We need to be doing GOOD.  There was also a cartoon on Sunday and it took this person until end of January to figure out what his New Year’s resolution was – Doing Good, not being Good.
So some of that stuff that has been bouncing around my head – looks like this.

  1.  My Wife:  Work has been consuming for both of us – but it is great that we are able to look to the future and plan on vacations – retirement – ministries – friends.
  2. My work place:  I have been struggling with my work partner and God has been prompting me to go forward with Grace….. My Head says that he does not deserve it – and I have convinced myself that I need to be right…  Well Grace won and work is going allot better now because of my Obedience.  Man that was hard – but much more beneficial.
  3. I have been really busy getting ready for the GMM Conference – but I had to pause and look around at what God is doing through everyone.  WOW
    1.  Vicki at the Civic Center put together a brief description of our Event that is posted on their Web Site…  Awesome – if you have not seen it – you need to look.
    2. Prayer.  Pastor Grant started the Fervent prayer group up again….  Prayer is a must for the event and is crucial if it is to be successful.
    3. The GMM Team…   It is great to see the work God is doing through all of them…  Jim and I were talking about how great all the different parts of getting ready were all coming together in some great ways…   Guys – thank you.
  4.  Family:  My dad has Altimerzz and I have really enjoyed our visits lately – telling him that I am grateful for him and that I love him…  and that he is the root of where I am today. *I have to tell him about 10 times each visit – but that is OK.
  5. Church:  Pastor Shawn…  I really enjoy his interpretation of the Bible and its applications have helped in many ways… and his sense of humor keeps a smile on my face.

As you can see – we really need to sit back and see what is going on around us and be thankful…  and then we need to take the next step and start doing Good in these areas that God has placed us.
But remember doing Good requires:          Obedience           Grace                   Searching                Diligence             Watching             Willingness          Heart                    Love                     Shepherd
The list goes on – but we must be observant to what goes around us and be Christ Like.   WWJD
Bobby G.
Comments may be sent to:  [email protected]

A Job Fix – Molding

Job:   everyone once in a while I believe we need to take a Job Check and see how God is molding us.   In my quiet time I have been reading Job and the word Molding has been coming up allot lately.  As Job – when God Molds us he has a purpose – and sometimes it is a very unpleasant ordeal.
The verses in Chapter 5 versus 17 thru 27 have stood out to me this time reading through it – vs. 17  “Blessed is the man whom God corrects: so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty”. Then finishes with vs. 27 “We have examined this, and it is true.  So hear it and apply it to yourself”.  With the in-between part explaining to not fear – God will protect us and take us through the ordeal with rewards at the end.
Most of us will never have to experience what Job did, but like Job – God will direct us to serve him in greater ways – bigger than anything we could have imagined.   The biggest concern is when we are going through the process – what does that look like.

  1.  Will we rejoice and worship God.
  2. Will it be Woe is Me….
  3. Will we question God as to Why.
  4. Will we take what God has done and do great things with the new you.

God’s work through us can be a mighty event if we allow ourselves to examine the purpose and apply it.  In the end Job was victorious and his rewards were great – but the in-between took Discipline and Obedience.  We must trust in God….
One last reflection:  Job’s Friends….     My wife received a quote that talked about reflecting on old friends and sometimes they are not meant to be in our future..   Hmmmmmm — do you think Job’s friends were still around when God finished his story…   I would hope that our impact on our friends – even if they are not in our future – would have been one to help them get through a Job experience and that God can do mighty works through them also.
So go get your Job fix now…….   Or maybe you’re already in it… – but remember they must see Jesus in you as you finish well.
Bobby G