They will know we are Christians by our Love!

I really like the song “They will know we are Christians by our Love” and at Sunday’s church service it was one of the worship songs…  
          Please listen to it:
           The sermon was about Refugees but some of the Scripture that Shaun shared really fit this topic.    I have been writing allot lately about ministering to the one that is in front of you – it is the only way we are to make an impact in this world.
          The verses from Matthew 25: 35 & 36 are a key to how we show this:

 For I was hungry and you gave Me food to eat. I was thirsty and you gave Me water to drink. I was a stranger and you gave Me a room.   I had no clothes and you gave Me clothes to wear. I was sick and you cared for Me. I was in prison and you came to see Me.’

         Followed by this Verse: Hebrews 13: 2

Do not forget to be kind to strangers and let them stay in your home. Some people have had angels in their homes without knowing it.

           How many times have we passed up the opportunity to Bless someone and came up with a really good reason why we did not do it.   I have been in that spot and reasoned it with:

  1.  I do not have time.
  2. Someone else will help them.
  3. I am not qualified.
  4. They really do not look like they need help.

As the scripture above stated – we may have just failed to bless an Angel.  Our response should be in Obedience when we come across an opportunity to Bless someone and not to question as to “Why Not”.    I have been getting better at looking for those opportunities to Bless someone…   and if it is an Angel – it would be one of those WOW moments.  It is something that does not come easy for me, but I make an effort and practice being the Christian they will know by my Love.            **The Second most important commandment is:  ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  
 So this week – look for those opportunities to Bless the person in front of you…  Practice and be obedient – it just might be an Angel.

“They will know we are Christians by our Love!”


Follow up message from Mike Z – "True Identity"

Here is a note from Mike Z on the impact of the GMM Conference “True Identity”   —   Thank You Mike.

Amen Brandon,
      Ever since coming back into a relationship with God in 2001 I have had the vision for ministry. Not just your average run of the mill kind of ministry but one that will impact the world and reveal the Glory of our Heavenly Father and the full power of His love. I have tried to express this desire many times to many people and all those many times the response has been the same: “Wait upon the Lord and if you are truly called then it will happen according to His timing.”
      So I have been waiting and doing everything I can to practice patience. I have done things to prepare myself for the day when God will make it happen for me. I have returned to school to obtain the credibility that goes with a recognized degree. I have studied the word and have practiced living it. I pray and seek God and lay everything at His feet. I love and trust Him to see me through every trial. I have proclaimed His glory in six major surgeries in less than two years. I have experienced His healing touch time and time again and I will shout the victory until I reach Heaven. I have plenty of ammunition to get the job done but I haven’t seen the miraculous door opening that would be the sign from God that I have been looking for in order to stop waiting and move.
      Saturday was a game changer. Erwin’s words screamed confirmation of what God has been telling me all along. I and many others like me have been waiting on God to do something when the truth of the matter is that He already has. He created us for just such a moment as this. This is our time and unfortunately time is very very short. We don’t have the luxury of waiting any longer. If we are truly wanting to assist in the building of God’s kingdom then we must start right now. We must come with want God has given us to begin with and know that He will guide our efforts and teach us what more we need to know as we go. We can’t let our fears and the fears of others stop us from doing what we need to do.
      As God’s Mighty Men we must set the pace for others to follow and encourage them to do so. We must never take our eyes off the prize or forget the One who gives us the power to do anything and everything necessary. Before coming back into God’s embrace I lived by the word’s: “God gave me the brains and the ability to live life and it was up to me to use what He gave me.” Although my thinking was correct I chose to ignore the fact that all that God has given me was meant to do His will and accomplish things for His glory. I spent my entire lifetime pursuing worldly achievements that hold no value in God’s eyes, nor did they give me any real lasting joy in having obtained them. I now want to do nothing but serve Him and in order to serve Him best I must be willing to serve others.
       I want you and the rest of my brothers to know that I am here for whatever amount of time God will allow, ready to do whatever is asked of me to spread the good news and share what God has done in my life. I know that God will take my offering and multiply it to feed the multitude as He desires. God bless you Brandon. You have been a great friend and brother. Congratulations on your new assignment as a Recruiter and may God keep and protect your family in His loving arms.
Mike Z   


       I went to church with my Dad this last weekend and part of the Pastors sermon was about people getting involved.   But just not getting involved in anything – but where their gifts are…. and he added a couple of warnings about when you do this.  (It was great to see Pastor Roger speaking).
      Well I have these thoughts bouncing around in my head at the present time about “Engage”…   At work we have this program of Engaged – Non Engaged – & Dis Engaged and I was thinking about:  How does that look like in our Christian community? 
           Here are the thoughts that are bouncing around inside my Head… (It does happen at times).  But I like using *Engage – *Non – Engage and *Dis Engage.

    • Engage:   These are the active Christians – it can look different in everyone, but they have that Joy that is just contagious.
    • Non – Engage:  These are the Christians that go to Church every Sunday but do not get involved in anything.  This group sometimes seems to be the largest.
    • Dis – Engage:  These are the negative Christians – the ones who are extremely harmful to the people who do “Engage”.   Have you ever been to one of those Congregational meetings and there are a couple of people who just disagree with everything.   These are the ones that when they stand up, you know the meeting is going to last for Hours.

       So that brings me back to what does “Engage” look like:   So I as I stated above it look’s different in everyone.

  1. It can be that person at church who is there every Sunday making Coffee.
  2. Teaching a Sunday school class.
  3. How about the person who is sharing Jesus with anyone who is in front of them.
  4. The one who is blessing people – buying Dinner anonymously for someone – a Gift – a Word of encouragement.
  5. Doing Ministry work inside the Church or outside the Church.

****The list can go on….. –  so please keep it going.
 So my question to you is:

Which of the 3 are you from the list above – I would hope “Engage”?

Do you know your gifts and are you plugging them into a Work for Jesus?

Engage Today!




Value of a Soul!

      I had a good weekend and slept a little late on Sunday – but what is really great is that my Church does it live on TV (well when I hook my computer to the TV – then it is live on TV).   So my wife and I were able to enjoy the church service from home (Thank You Calvary).  
     This week several Church’s showed the Film from “My Hope” with Billy Graham and his son Franklin put it together.   It was a powerful message on 3 lives that were caught up with Life and needed to be directed towards Jesus to Live Life to its fullest. 
          It is a must watch:
      Then yesterday I watched a Sermon from John Bevere (another powerful speaker) on Good or God.         It made me put both messages together on the topic of what is the “Value of a Soul”.
John’s Scripture came from:

2 Timothy 3: 16. All the Holy Writings are God-given and are made alive by Him. Man is helped when he is taught God’s Word. It shows what is wrong. It changes the way of a man’s life. It shows him how to be right with God.  17. It gives the man who belongs to God everything he needs to work well for Him.

    The part of the message that I had to really think about was when we encounter the people around us:  are we always encouraging them or are we sharing with them the way of God’s Word.   So many times we have become politically correct when we encounter those around us that we may actually be doing them harm.   John shared the story of Adam and Eve – He explained that Eve did not look at the evil side of the Tree, but the Good side of the Tree.   As you know the rest of the story – the Good side of tree did the most harm to us – we need truth, but obedience is a must if we are going to have Value. 
       So as I pondered this:   I must say that I really need to rethink how I encourage the people around me.   Am I doing it in a way that will give them Value, because their souls are important and they need Jesus?  Sometimes my Good can harm those around me if it is not accompanied with the Truth about the teachings of Jesus.  We must Love those around us in such a way that we “Value their Soul” and are willing to help them see how important they are to Jesus.   Sometimes this means that we will have to share with them some hard changes that are required to be obedient to Jesus.  (Am I willing to do this and do it in such a way that they see Value and Love – not criticism?) This can be really hard to do.
      You will have to listen to the message from John to get the whole impact of his message on “Good or God” – but it will make you think about what is happening in our Church’s today.

 So what is the message that you share with those who surround you?

Is it a message of Good along with a message of Love and Truth?

What is the “Value of a Soul” of those you encounter?


What is next?

     That is a great question:   What am I going to do next?   It has been a week since the GMM Conference on “True Identity” and the Main Speaker did a great job along with all the Pastor Blast’s.   But as Pastor Velcro stated at the end – I would challenge you to take this into the world and make a difference.   So now what do I do?   

          I called one of Erwin’s assistants to thank him for changing lives with his message about how we are created for greatness and she told me he was on his way to New Zealand.   Erwin has a Greatness that he is taking to all areas of the World – but What Can I do?   I know that my gift is not speaking – so forget that part of traveling all over the World to share the Good News – but I know there is something for me.
           Pastor Aaron spoke at church this last Sunday and gave us an update on what he is doing with the Youth.  They are going into their last week of the challenge that has been given to them and the scripture Aaron shared was the Great Commission:  He told them that they are to go into the world…….
          Matthew 28:  16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
           This is what I am supposed to do…..  I am to share Jesus with anyone who is in front of me.   This can be done in many different ways.

    • It can be the waitress who is serving me – Pastor Bob is always asking his waitress what their Prayer needs are.
    • It can be a simple gesture of paying for someone’s items at the Loaf and Jug – I did that the other day.  WOW
    • It can be helping a couple of seasoned ladies with paying for parking on an automated system that will not take their 2 dollars and leaving them with their 2 dollars.   That was fun.
    • It can be sharing Jesus with your Son’s and Daughter’s  – even when you get old.  AMEN.

 As you can see the list does not have to be hard and we all have our uniqueness in how we are to go forward.   Just look at who is in front of you at the present time and it does not have to be in New Zealand.    But I bet it would be exciting to share the Good News of Jesus there also.   But come up with your list of items – the ones you are doing and the ones you can do.

So how do you answer the question “What is next?”

Do you believe that you were are created to do Greatness?

Do you see the person in you that God Created to do Great Things?

Are you looking at the people right in front of you?




True Identity – Follow up

Note from one of the GMM Team Members (Brandon) about the GMM Conference:


I have walked away from the previous conferences I’ve attended with excitement, encouragement and motivation for what God is doing and wants to do in my heart, and in the hearts of the men in His city of Cheyenne. And I’m definitely not selling them all short either! But this year’s conference impacted me and hit a nerve in my heart that rocked me to my core! Like Erwin, I have always lived with low self worth and confidence. I doubted the gifts God Himself said He wanted to use for His kingdom and never fully invested in His purpose for my life because of fear. Yet since I was a kid my dreams and creative mind have always given me a desire to live amazing dreams: God-sized dreams that only God could bring to fruition.

It’s so refreshing to encounter the experience and desire and excitement of another man who has been given, not only the creative ideas and dreams that he so wants to live out, but an inspiration and power to live them out, all through the hand of God and His wanting to meet us in that creative realm of our imagination.

I’ve heard encouraging words and sermons on believing and receiving who God says I am and what He is calling me to. But Erwin brought it in a way that has empowered me and excited me to truly be the man of God He is turning me into and being fully alive, as that is the glory and desire of our God, as He dreams for me to be. I want to be the greatest husband, father and worshipper of God that I can be and touch the hearts of people all over the globe with the story God has written for my life through music, leadership and simply the way I live.

I am so thankful for the hard work, dedication and perseverance that every team member and every group has so faithfully and enthusiastically put into making this year’s conference happen. More and more my True Identity is being discovered as I seek Jesus and His will for my life. I choose to believe what He says and live out my imagination and dreams as if they were real, because eventually, one day they will be! I am so excited to be a part of something so big and, though it may seem impossible, I can’t wait to see how much more amazing it will be next year. But I’m filled with the love and grace of God and ask for your prayers, not only for me, but for every man who struggles with the fear of truly living out their dreams and goals, no matter how big they are. God bless you guys, and I can’t wait to catch up with you again at the retreat and see how God moved in your hearts!

Your brother in Christ,

Brandon Rodriguez

“True Identity” What is yours.

Thumb Print with Cross          Well the Conference is over and it was a Big Success – and the message was brought.  But first of all I have to tell you “I have an AWESOME Wife” – she was my life saver.   She kept things flowing and fixed all the problems and most of all – if I came out of the Conference she chased me back in… LOL….  Then I was really blessed to have all 3 of my Sons there and a Special friend Brexton with me.  
     There were lots of Dads there with their sons – it was really special.
     Now back to the Conference – Between the main Speaker Erwin – and the 8 Pastors who brought powerful messages on True Identity and to finish off with a Challenge from Pastor Velcro – It was a WOW moment.   If you did not leave thinking about what your Identity was – then you missed the whole Conference. 
 Moses002     Erwin started off with the story of Moses and then ended up with the Faith Chapter…     Do you think Moses started off thinking he was going to be great with the obstacles that he had to overcome and he really blew it when he killed the Egyptian?   Does that sound something like your life – except for the Murder part, but we all have our obstacles to overcome and sin to be forgiven.  But Greatness was thrown upon Moses – and it will thrown upon us. 
    The verses of Hebrews 11: 1-2 – Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  This is what the ancients were commended for.  
        Do we look at our now as being Successful with all of our Stuff and where our Christian life is at.   Or do we dream about where we can be and go for that dream.   We were created to do Great things but sometimes we get stuck in the ordinary.   This chapter talks about allot of Heroes of the Faith and they were people just like us.  They were not the Elite or the Pharisees – they were us.    The difference is that they were Obedient to the calling of God to do the extraordinary and so are we.
      So how does that fit into “True Identity”:   well God created us to be creative and to expand on what we see ourselves being – not the people we are at the present time?  It is the things that we do not see in the physical – but the things that we can Hope to be.  Obedience in Christ will get us there and Greatness will be thrust upon us. 
       Now the 8 Pastors that did the Blasts – followed up on this message and brought the Challenges to us about becoming our “True Identity”.   It is so great to see Christ bring all these different Pastors in and they all have a different message but it all comes together for one Cause…..    “Jesus”. 
          Then Pastor Velcro challenged us to take what we heard at the Conference and if we do not do anything with it – then we have failed to hear the message.  We should all be changed Men going forward for one Cause and that is to have a Thumbprint with Christ in the Center of our Identity.  Then we must take it to the next Level and be Great – Look around at the opportunities that are right there in front of us.

 So the Questions come:

What is your Identity at the present time – has it become Stagnate?

Do you see in the invisible that you can become and are you going towards that in Faith of the unseen and making it real?

Are you being Obedient to what is Christ calling you to do NOW – no matter what your past looks like?  These are the Men that he takes and makes Great – read about the people in Hebrews Chapter 11.


PS – we hope to get the all the messages on or Web Site in the next several months.
Here is someone that dreamed about where Christ could take him and made it real….

Deep water Ministries 1

Jonathan and His Armor Bearer You gotta be one or the other:

** I attended several Promise Keepers conferences when they started in Boulder CO and moved to Denver CO. I believe Men need to fight the Battle with one or more Men beside them or they will fail. So this story about Jonathan was one of the reasons I do Men’s ministry. **

I have had a few conversations lately about doing something (Matthew West’s song) and also a few changes in the format of the GMM Conference.  The first year we put together the GMM Conference we had a couple of local Pastors do a 20 minute talk that focused on the GMM Theme.  Pastor Jeff did one on Jonathan and His Armor Bearer that really brought back doing something as a major item.

Here is the story:
1 Samuel 14: 1>14 – 1. One day Jonathan son of Saul said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the Philistine outpost on the other side.” But he did not tell his father.  2. Saul was staying on the outskirts of Gibeah under a pomegranate tree in Migron. With him were about six hundred men, 3. among whom was Ahijah, who was wearing an ephod. He was a son of Ichabod’s brother Ahitub son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the Lord’s priest in Shiloh. No one was aware that Jonathan had left.  4. On each side of the pass that Jonathan intended to cross to reach the Philistine outpost was a cliff; one was called Bozez and the other Seneh. 5. One cliff stood to the north toward Mikmash, the other to the south toward Geba.  6. Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.”  7. “Do all that you have in mind,” his armor-bearer said. “Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.”    8. Jonathan said, “Come on, then; we will cross over toward them and let them see us. 9. If they say to us, ‘Wait there until we come to you,’ we will stay where we are and not go up to them. 10. But if they say, ‘Come up to us,’ we will climb up, because that will be our sign that the Lord has given them into our hands.”  11. So both of them showed themselves to the Philistine outpost. “Look!” said the Philistines. “The Hebrews are crawling out of the holes they were hiding in.” 12. The men of the outpost shouted to Jonathan and his armor-bearer, “Come up to us and we’ll teach you a lesson.”  So Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, “Climb up after me; the Lord has given them into the hand of Israel.”  13. Jonathan climbed up, using his hands and feet, with his armor-bearer right behind him. The Philistines fell before Jonathan, and his armor-bearer followed and killed behind him. 14. In that first attack Jonathan and his armor-bearer killed some twenty men in an area of about half an acre.

As Jeff had stated in his talk:  “We need to be one or the other – A “Jonathon” or A “Armor Bearer” = but we cannot sit back and do nothing.  What does each of these roles look like?

Jonathon:   As you see – he is the one that got tired of sitting under the tree and said “let’s go over to the Philistine outpost”.  He needed to be doing something – and doing nothing was not an option – even if it meant failure..    One of the major things that hit me was – he was not going to do it alone, he wanted someone to go with him.  As Jonathon we also need to go forward with someone beside us to watch our back and give us a hand when it is needed.  (The Armor Bearer Responded  “Go Ahead: I am with you heart and soul”)

The Armor Bearer:   His role was a support role and like Jonathon – it was not an option to sit back and do nothing.   He was there to be Jonathan’s right hand man and he would have died along side of him doing God’s work.

**As you can see at the end – they were successful and God did his work through them because of their Obedience of going forward.

So my question is:   What are you doing in going forward?   Sometimes as Jonathon we do not have a very clear picture of what God is calling us to do…   But sitting back and doing nothing is not an option…    Also the next question is:   Who is going along side of you or who are you going along side of in doing God’s work?   But as you see – we need to be in the position of one or the other….   We need to be a Jonathon or the Armor Bearer.

***I really enjoy helping someone in going forward with their vision of what God is working through them…   There is nothing more fulfilling to help someone be successful as God is working through them…  I could be an Armor Bearer all the time….

So go forward as a Jonathan or a Armor Bearer – even if you are not sure of the outcome!!
Sitting under a tree is not an option – and obedience requires that we do something….



What if you were on Trial? Would you be found Guilty?

        Pastor Shaun is preaching on Titus this month and the first Chapter has the qualifications of an Elder.   But the most important part of Pastor Shaun’s message is that most of these qualifications – we as Christians should strive to have the same attributes. 
          Here is a list of them:  Titus 1:  6 > 9 – an elder must be:

  1. Blameless,
  2. Faithful to his wife,
  3. A man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.
  4. An overseer manages God’s household
  5. He must be blameless—not overbearing
  6. Not quick-tempered
  7. Not given to drunkenness
  8. Not violent
  9. Not pursuing dishonest gain
  10. He must be hospitable
  11. One who loves what is good
  12. Who is self-controlled,
  13. Upright
  14. Holy
  15. Disciplined
  16. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.

     As you read this list – you can see that most of these can pertain to all of us…   During Pastor Shaun’s message he talked about the Movie “Do You Believe” and it has a section where someone is going on trial for sharing his faith.    Then the question comes up “If you were ever convicted of being a Christian – Would there be enough evidence to convict you?”     WOW – what a powerful question!!!!!!!!!!!!   You need to watch this movie..
      When you look at the Attributes above from the Book of Titus – this would be a great area to start to determine if you would be convicted of being a Christian.     I have to tell you that I personally will have to be praying for a few of these items that Christ can work through me to accomplish them.   My hope is that if I am on Trial — I will be found Guilty

 So where do you stand on these qualifications?

Do you need to work on a few of them?

But the Biggest Question is – will you be found Guilty of being a Christian?


 The Song “We Believe” from the News Boys is played during this Movie trailer and it has a powerful message…

We Must Be Like Tigers and Rhinos

I will be bringing back some of my favorite Blogs for the next few weeks – starting Friday we will be doing a 21 day Prayer Vigil for the upcoming Conference – Please check out the Prayers and join us.

I just had to bring this Blog back — it was a book that motivated me to help in getting GMM Started…  and since our main Speaker is Erwin McManus this year – it is really special.    If you have not read the book   “The Barbarian Way”  you need too.   This is the first Blog that I ever posted… and most of it comes from the book…   I have always wanted a GMM Theme called…    “Going forward like a Crash of Rhinos”  —  but I just cannot get the GMM Team to go along with me………    Someday it will happen…                      ENJOY

Excerpts from the Barbarian Way (Erwin Raphael McManus)
Although the force of one person fully committed to God is tremendous, it pales in comparison to the force of God’s people moving together.  One barbarian wandering through civilization can be discarded as nothing more than an oddity.  But when members of the barbarian tribe line up across the battlefield side by side, something amazing begins to happen;  Dark kingdoms tremble; the dungeons and prisons that hold men, women, and children captive crumble; prison doors open; chains unlock; and multitudes come to freedom.  Whenever the barbarians of Christ pass through civilization, the oppressed and forgotten are soon found dancing in the streets.


A tiger will defeat a lion in battle; but five lions will defeat five tigers because lions fight together and the tigers do not, so the five lions take on one tiger at a time.

**Do our church’s today look like this – battle by them self only to be defeated by a group of advocates who would like to see the church fold – what if the church’s banded together – a powerful force would be going forward.

     Barbarians are far more tiger than lion.  I am convinced the old adage is true, at least in this case, that a tiger can never change its stripes.  More than that, we do not want to domesticate the tiger.  We don’t even want the tiger to try to become more like the lion.  But imagine what it would be like if tigers could learn how to move together, it tigers would choose to stand side by side and engage in battle as one tribe.

  **That is what GMM is trying to do – each church is unique but if they were going side by side fighting the Spiritual Battle that is real – then they could not be defeated.

    Jesus description that “the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold if it (Matthew 11:12) – is a call for tigers to move together, not for our untamed faith to be domesticated.


Rhinos can run at thirty miles an hour, which is pretty fast when you consider how much weight they’re pulling.  Running at thirty miles an hour is faster than a used Pinto will go – just one problem with this phenomenon:  Rhinos can see only thirty feet in front of them.  Can you imagine something that large moving in concert as a group, plowing ahead at thirty miles an hour with no idea what’s at thirty one feet?  You would think that they would be for too timid to pick up full stream, that their inability to see far enough ahead would paralyze them to immobility.  But with that horn pointing the way, rhinos run forward full steam ahead without apprehension.

  **What if the men of GOD would go forward like a Rhino with Christ at the point.   When Christ calls us to go forward – how many times do we stop because of the unknown – we should be like that Rhino running at full steam…

     Now this leads us to what a group of Rhinos are called.   Rhinos moving together at full speed are known as a CRASH.  Even when they’re just hanging around enjoying the watershed, they’re called a crash because of their potential.  You’ve got to love that.  I think that’s what we’re supposed to be.  That’s what happens when we become barbarians and shake free of domestication and civility.  The church becomes a crash.  We become an unstoppable force.  We don’t have to pretend we know the future.  Who cares that we can only thirty feet ahead?  Whatever’s at thirty-one feet needs to care that we’re coming and better get out of the way.
We need to move together as God’s people, a barbarian tribe, and become the human version of the Rhino Crash.  The future is uncertain, but we need to move toward it with confidence.  There’s a future to be created, a humanity to be liberated.  We need to stop wasting our time and stop being afraid of what we cannot see and do not know.  We need to move forward full force because of what we do know.

**GMM is pushing men to step up to the plate and be the men that GOD had planned for them to be.  We cannot sit back and wait – we must go FORWARD and it must be at full force.
