Where is my Focus?????

As I am getting ready for my surgery – there is just a little bit of Panic coming and it can be overwhelming at times.   Allot of prayer and a few pills have been helping – but one of my main helps is in my friends.   Several of them have called me to remind me that is will be OK and again to tell me of the one who is in Charge and that he will get me through all of this.
One of my Great Friends (Tom C) sent me some awesome words of wisdom with allot of scripture to go with it and I would like to share parts of his wisdom.    It came in several parts – so I am going to share a few of them and why they have helped me.

  1.  Why does He heal us? He loves us, He promised, so we can serve Him here on earth: Love Him and love our neighbor.  So many reasons. So cool!   –                  Matt 8:16. He drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick.
    1. a.   When I eventually get through my surgery (2 knee replacements) – I will be able to serve Christ in a bigger way and to know it is through his love that all of this can be accomplished is so reassuring.
  2. Oh, ho, so good.  See it.  Yesterday in Isaiah, he promised healing.  Today (when Jesus walked the earth) He gave healing to all.  Forever (right now and forever) He heals us now.  In His name. Amen. Amen means “so be it” – not, man I hope this works.                                 Matt 9:2-6 (portions). When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.” … “Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? But so you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins ….”
    1. a.   To know that Christ is here today as he was in the Past gives me hope and to know that I am forgiven no matter what doubts I have as I go forward brings me pure Joy…   AMEN
  3. We don’t create or build our faith.  He does.  It’s not any of our work.  It’s all His!                              Acts 1:8. “… You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”
    1. a.   This one was great – to know that Faith will be given to me by what Christ does through me….   So many times we believe that we have to do so many things to get Faith – but he has already given it to us – we just need to use it. 

    These are just a few words of wisdom that were given to me by a great friend who knew that I needed them…   He was right and these great words are what helps me keep my focus on the real reason of my molding that Christ has me going through.
  “Keeping my focus on Jesus is what is going to make this all worth it and in the end  I will get to experience a great relationship with him through it all.” 
Radical Truth and Grace from a friend – I could have not asked for anything greater.