One Day and a Wake-up to Go! GMM 2024 Conference

Though our times may seem confused and adrift, they serve a purpose in the great scheme of things, and we men have a role in them. Our keynote speaker, C.R. (Chris) Wiley, calls the Bible a kind of handbook for households, explaining how stewardship of our God-given spheres of responsibility extends into family and the cosmos. From Eph 3:10 we know it’s “… so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.” We’ll also hear four pastors who are new to our events give their 3minute “blasts”, and a spotlight address about rising to the next level. 

This year we’ll join in two Q&A sessions with our keynote speaker, to explore practical, real-world implications of living as a Man of the Household: God’s Steward for Family and the Cosmos


WHEN: Saturday Aug. 24, 2024, 8:30-3PM (Doors open at 8, lunch around noon).

WHERE:  Cheyenne’s Laramie County Community College LCCC SPA auditorium.

TICKETS: Buy online through the conference webpage, or pay $25 cash (or card with their fee) at the door.



QUESTIONS:  … about accessibility accommodations, business sponsor and volunteer opportunities for church/parachurch ministry, or to change your email subscription preferences? Email: [email protected]

Come with your friends, or come and make new ones!

We appreciate your past interest in a GMM conference. If you no longer wish to receive conference info from GMM, just reply to this email “unsubscribe”.

How will GMM 2024 conference keynote addresses be different from the fabrications of worldly commentators?

How will GMM 2024 conference keynote addresses be different from the fabrications of worldly commentators?

Three weeks to go! In this second video short for the God’s Mighty Men 2024 conference, main speaker Chris Wiley explains a foundational reason the biblical prescription for men is different than cultural extremes of our confused times.Take two minutes to hear what truly makes a Mighty Man.

Get details about GMM’s Aug. 24th conference at and invite your friends to join you on August 24th at Cheyenne’s LCCC “SPA” Auditorium. 

Doors will open at 8am, and the conference starts at 8:30am.

Hope to see you there!

P.S., If you missed watching the first video clip from our keynote speaker, check out our previous post…

Is this year’s conference only for married men?

In this 2minute clip, GMM2024 main speaker C.R. Wiley answers the concern: Is this year’s conference only for married men?

In a back-porch conversation with C.R. (Chris) Wiley, learn why unmarried men SHOULD absolutely come to this year’s GMM conference about households.

A big question of our day  is: Why are we men here? 

The Saturday, August 24, 2024 God’s Mighty Men conference will provide answers from God’s handbook for households: the Bible.Check out the GMM 2024 Conference webpage to see how the Q&A sessions, praise music, fellowship over lunch and many other speakers from around our area will inspire and equip us for living out the faith. Optionally: after we are dismissed at 3pm, gather around outside our Laramie County Community College venue for ice cream and informal conversation with other guys from Cheyenne and beyond.~+~+~+~We hope these GMM conference notices are of value to you, and you will forward them to others to subscribe themselves. For new subscriptions or to unsubscribe, email: [email protected].

Man of the Household

“GMM” means we’re men, and we’re only mighty because we are God’s.  The Saturday, Aug. 24, 2024 GOD’S MIGHTY MEN conference will be a time to look deeper at God’s high purpose for us, in which we can truly flourish. Rally your brothers, friends and acquaintances to join in exploring the specifics around that purpose. 

2024 guest speaker C.R. (Chris) Wiley calls the Bible a kind of handbook for households.  His keynote addresses will bring together Biblical insights about stewardship of our God-given spheres of responsibility that extend into family and the cosmos. The venue will be Laramie County Community College’s Surbrugg/Prentice Auditorium (“SPA”) in Cheyenne, Wyoming. This will be a friendly men’s conference with a Christian worldview, for all guys interested in the topic, whatever their denomination, professed Christians or not! Boys as young as 11 with tickets will attend with parent supervision. It will start at 8:30am with music, provide a snack break and lunch, and end at 3pm.  Q&A sessions, fellowship over lunch and several speakers from around our area will also inspire and equip us for living out the faith. Optionally: after we are dismissed at 3pm, gather around outside for ice cream and informal fellowship. You can advance purchase your e-Ticket – $25 plus online and credit card fees. Individual tickets may be purchased with cash or credit card at the door on Aug. 24th, until capacity is reached. (Or, you can reply to this email to inquire about advance offline purchase of a block of hardcopy tickets for your group.)

Go to the GMM – God’s Mighty Men conference webpage to read more about the conference purpose, and more details as they come in. 

The website also has links where you can check out Pastor Chris Wiley’s bio, YouTube videos, website links, and ways you might purchase one or more of his books


To request printed materials about the conference, to inquire about business sponsorship, volunteer and ministry table opportunities; or to change your email subscription preferences, email:[email protected]

We hope these GMM conference notices are of value to you, and you will forward to others to subscribe themselves. For new subscriptions or to unsubscribe, email: [email protected].

Mark your calendars for the GMM2024 Conference Aug. 24!

Man of the Household:

God’s Steward for Family and the Cosmos

GMM 2024 Theme
The household is foundational in God’s created order of the Cosmos. On Saturday, August 24th, 8:30 am – 3:00pm, we’ll explore the role of men in the household and what that means for us, and all of creation.
C.R. (Chris) Wiley is expert at addressing the increasingly scrutinized and challenged Biblical principles about men’s roles in the family.

Chris is a straight shooter. His qualifications to guide us on this topic are impressive: he’s an author and editor of magazine articles and books, pastors a PCA church outside of Portland, and he’s been a college professor. He’s a practical, hands-on sort of guy. His life experience will resonate with non-academic men too: he’s been a commercial real estate investor, a landlord, and a building contractor. Those of us who have read his books “Man of the House” & “The Household and the War for the Cosmos” have also been impressed by his interviews and podcasts, including “The Theology Pugcast.

To learn more about our excellent keynote speaker and this topic, check out his bio, YouTube videos, his website links, and purchase one or more of his books.  We believe that by doing so, you’ll be as pumped for our GMM 2024 conference on Aug. 24th as your GMM leadership team is! 

There will be time to interact with our speaker in Q&A after each of his two keynote addresses. His first talk will show us the big picture about the role of the household in God’s divine order. The second will explore men’s roles as leaders of productive households and how to make it all work.  We plan on having a limited quantity of his books for sale at the conference, and Chris will be available to autograph books during breaks.

Your $25 ticket will include refreshments during a morning break, and lunch… and for those who want to hang out awhile afterwards, a post-event dessert. Those are also times to visit with local parachurch ministry reps, and simply enjoy fellowship with other men. 

Stay tuned for ticketing info and other details! 

It’s been a month: a good time to reflect on your spiritual journey of discipleship since GMM2023.

Check out the full recording, including praise music, or just review your favorite messages from our conference speakers. The below outline has links directly to each of their inspirational presentations on YouTube. 

Remember, “God’s Mighty Men: Live It Out!”

+~+~+~+Index to GMM God’s Mighty Men Conference 8/26/23+~+~+~+~

Segment 1 (AM)
0:00. . . . Praise Music

20:00. . . GMM Welcome/Prayer, —Lester Lavalais

      Pastor Blasts—Lester Lavalais introducing:

23:37. . . Randy Golden, Pastor, Calvary South Cheyenne

28:10. . . Jason Siebert, Pastor, CrossBridge Alliance

31:31. . . Chad Brannaman, Minister—Celebrate Recovery, Cheyenne Hills Church

34:51. . . Keynote #1—Kenny White: Spiritual Diet

Segment 2 (PM)
0:00. . . . Praise Music

18:46. . . Keynote #2—Kenny White: Spiritual Development

1:06:14 . Dismissal—Lester Lavalais


To God be the glory, forever, AMEN!

We appreciate your past interest in a GMM conference. If you no longer wish to receive conference info from GMM, just reply to this email “unsubscribe”.

Two Days to go! GMM Conference invite from Keynote Speaker Kenny White

Get psyched to join God’s Mighty Men 2023 with this 45sec video invitation from our keynote speaker, given from the venue at Cross Bridge Alliance Church. There’s just two days to go until the conference, where we’ll all be encouraged and equipped for our discipleship journey. This year we’ll join in breakout sessions to apply the messages heard in real life. Come out Saturday, Aug. 26th, 8:30 to 3 o’clock, and LIVE IT OUT!

WHEN: Saturday Aug. 26, 2023, 8:30-3PM (Doors open at 8, lunch around noon).
WHERE: Cheyenne’s CrossBridge Alliance Church is this year’s venue; 3501 Forest Dr.
TICKETS: Buy online through the conference webpage, or pay $25 cash at the door.
QUESTIONS: … about accessibility accommodations, business sponsor and volunteer opportunities for church/parachurch ministry, or to change your email subscription preferences? Email: [email protected]

Praise God!

Video invitation from GMM 2023 Keynote Speaker Kenny White 

One month to go until GMM 2023! Watch this one-minute video invitation to the Aug. 26th Conference, from keynote speaker Kenny White!

Kenny will guide us to embark on God’s adventure: learning from one another, “Living It Out” step-by-step on the disciple’s journey. He is an inspirational presenter with a gift and a passion for helping people to be disciples of Jesus.“God’s Mighty Men: Live It Out!”

Kenny’s full bio and conference details are posted on our webpage….


WHEN: Saturday Aug. 26, 2023, 8:30-3PM (Doors open at 8, lunch around noon).

WHERECheyenne’s CrossBridge Alliance Church is this year’s venue; 3501 Forest Dr. 

TICKETS: $25 cash at the door (or buy early online through the conference webpage).



QUESTIONS:  … about accessibility accommodations, business sponsor and volunteer opportunities for church/parachurch ministry, or to change your email subscription preferences? Email: [email protected]

Let’s fall in behind Jesus, living out life in His strength as we follow Him!

We appreciate your past interest in a GMM conference. If you no longer wish to receive conference info from GMM, just reply to this email “unsubscribe”.

Ready for the GMM 2023 Journey of Discipleship, Aug 26? 

It’s time to rally your brothers, friends and acquaintances to join us at the GMM2023 Conference! This year’s event is Saturday August 26th, 8:30-3pm, and our venue is Cheyenne’s CrossBridge Alliance Church, 3501 Forest Dr (across E Pershing Blvd from East High School).

GOD’S MIGHTY MEN 2023 keynote speaker Kenny White will be our guide as we explore God’s proven route for the adventure of life. Wherever you are on the way, this year’s breakout sessions, fellowship over lunch and more in the afternoon will inspire and equip you for living out the faith. Optionally: after we are dismissed at 3pm, gather around outside for ice cream and informal fellowship. 

Purchase your e-Ticket – $25 plus online fees. (Individual tickets may be purchased with cash only at the door on Aug. 26th, until capacity is reached. Reply to this email to inquire about advance offline purchase of a block of hardcopy tickets for your group.)

Go to the GMM – God’s Mighty Men conference webpage and check out details about the theme, program, our main speaker, and the growing list of conference sponsors. This is a friendly men’s conference with a Christian worldview, for all guys interested in the topic, whatever their denomination, professed Christians or not! Boys as young as 11 with tickets will attend with parent supervision.Facebook–


We hope these GMM conference notices are of value to you, and you will forward to others to subscribe themselves. For new subscriptions or to unsubscribe, email: [email protected].

God’s Mighty Men: LIVE IT OUT! 2023 Conference Aug 26

Mark your calendars! GMM’s 2023 conference will be Saturday, August 26th, 2023, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm at Cheyenne’s CrossBridge Alliance facility.

We are bringing in keynote speaker Kenny White to be our guide as we explore God’s proven route for the adventure of life. In breakout sessions and fellowship over lunch, you’ll be inspired and better equipped for living out the faith, whether you are setting out on the journey of discipleship, or further along the way of Jesus.
For the first time in several years, our program will go until 3pm. This gives us time to “break out” into several smaller groups to discuss questions raised in the keynote addresses, share new insights and skills, and consider how to apply them.

Your $25 ticket includes refreshments during a morning break, and lunch… and for those who want to hang out awhile afterwards, a post-event dessert. As usual, there will be time to visit local parachurch ministry tables, networking and fellowship. Stay tuned for ticketing info and other details.

To request printed materials about the conference, to inquire about business sponsorship, volunteer and ministry table opportunities; or to change your email subscription preferences, email:[email protected]