When God Changes my Prayer Life!

     I had one of those weekends when everything started right but then changed in a drastic way.   We enjoyed our Grand Kids in Colorado Springs- did I forget to say that we enjoyed my Son and Daughter in-law also (When you become a Papa you will understand).  I went to Church at “Pulpit Rock” in Colorado Springs and the sermon was on Grace – the part of Grace that I give when someone disappoints me.  God gives us Grace and in return the Grace given to us I need to pass onto those who I know.   
          The Scripture was in Galatians 6: and the verses that stuck out to me were 1 & 2:  Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
          Well getting back to the topic of this Blog “When God Changes my Prayer Life!” and how it changed.  My prayer walks have been good and I thought how I was praying was the right way.   God please help change the hearts of these specific people. Then I was awakened by the fact that I need to be Praying for God to work in my Heart first so that I can be Gentle to the people who are disappointing me.  I need to give them Grace and help them carry their burdens instead of telling them how I believe they should be going.   My eyes were opened to Two extremely important people in my life and how they are really struggling.  
          So on my way to my Prayer walk this morning I was listening to the radio and I was being told that I need to focus on Jesus first and he will lead me to what I need to accomplish with these two very special people.  I get caught up in Life at times and lose my priorities and it takes a tragedy sometimes to get me back to where I should be.   So my prayers this morning were:  Jesus work in me so that I can do your work in the correct way with “GRACE”.    When I pray this way, then I can be the person who Christ wants me to be in helping the ones who are disappointing me.  “Love Always Wins”        Now I can go forward this week in a whole new light on the situations and I will be working in Grace.

So are you praying for others to change instead of yourself?

Are you praying for yourself to be reconnected with Christ?

Are you dealing with those around you in Grace?

Bobbyg            PS:  My Prayer life did change this morning.