Activate Your Faith – Walk on Water

Our GMM Theme this year for the Conference was “Activate Your Faith” and my Pastor (Shaun) was talking about Peter Walking on Water – it hit me – What a Way to Activate Your Faith.   Peter gives us a great example of what that means.   When they were in the Boat and the Disciples seen Jesus coming they were somewhat confused as to what was happening – Jesus tells them to “Take Courage”.  So Peter says – Lord if it is you – Tell me to come to you on the water.    Jesus says “Come”.
How many times to you suppose Jesus has said to you “Come”?  I recently made a trip to Denver for work and on my way down there, I prayed about a possibility of a door being opened to heal a broken relationship.   I have had a Big Problem at work with my co-worker in Denver for about 2 years and it has been an area of concern for me as I go forward in what Jesus would have me do.  Well the door was opened and you can say that I either stayed in the Boat or really sank to the Bottom of the Sea.
Shaun during his sermon talked a little about Jesus response to Peter when he began to sink…                   “You of Little Faith”…       How many times do we look at the Waves or the Wind of what life brings and stay in the Boat or really Sink to the Bottom.   We must remember that Jesus is there to pull us up again when we blow the opportunity (So maybe I will get a second chance and not blow it).  Something else that Shaun stated – Having a Little Faith can move Mountains… so it is not a bad thing to have a Little Faith…   Remember 11 of the Disciples stayed in the Boat.  It is only through Jesus that our Faith becomes Bigger….
There is a great Book that I read a while back “If you want to walk on Water – You’ve got to get out of the Boat” by John Ortberg..   This is a great read…     but it reminded me of an article in The Newspaper on Sunday about Life in the Middle Ages and towards the last part of it – it talked about 2 types of People.  Ones that are very nice – but you can not expect any surprises from them.  Then there are the other types who may be considered unstable but are far from it.  These are the Peter’s in life that are going forward and practicing their Faith….   To “Activate Your Faith” – it takes allot of Practice and Obedience when Jesus says “Come”.  If we are to be Alive, Young and Excited in our Faith we must take on these 2 attributes..  “Faith must be Excercised…”
**So guys – do as Peter did and get out of the Boat!!!