Second Chances – Who Gets Them?

I watched a Chic Flic with my wife the other night and I have to say – The older I get the easier it is to Tear up…  Just is not right….  This is not what getting older should mean… we are to get tougher and meaner – Grumpy old Men should have been the movie we watched.
But this was a Christian Based movie and one of the main themes throughout the Drama – was people getting a second chance…   Here are a couple of insights that I was able gain from watching this tear enhancer;

  1.  God meets people where they are and works there.   You are not required to better yourself before God can work in your life.   Two of the characters (one a drug addict and the other was plain mean) – God met them where they were and circumstances caused them to seek him.   The circumstances were not what we would choose to go through – but at the end a relationship was built and Christ became the center point.
  2. The other part that got my attention was who God used…   There were several different types (Christians and Non-Christians) – but it made me aware that we need to stay focused on how Christ is working through us.  We may be the person God uses to help someone get a second chance and bring healing.  So we must be aware of the people around us and listen to the direction that the Spirit is giving us.   “It Takes Practice and being alert to recognize the promptings”.

There is one other area that got my attention:   I have been raised in a Christian Home and never thought that I would need a Second Chance.  This movie showed that even Devout Christians need Second Chances.  Our relationship with Christ can be enhanced to a Level that we could never experience if we are open to change and willing to go down a different path that Jesus has opened up for us to take.   Sometimes we believe that we are doing everything right and there is no need for change – but when we are in tune with the Spirit – there should be constant change.
**Recently Christ has shown me that I need a much deeper relationship with him to get through the path that he is taking me.   There have been several times that I have cried out to him to help me through what I am experiencing presently.  He has taken that Burden and I see the need for a second chance on my part to know that he is in control and will get me through.  We as Christians believe that we can do it on our own and we get comfortable in thinking this.  To fulfill what Jesus is going to work through us – we must seek him and be willing to go down the path he has given us to take.
**”We all get Second Chances”  It is what Brings Life….