Living the Legend!

     This is a start to the Theme of the next GMM Conference in 2017.  At our last meeting we talked about mentoring – relationships (Paul, Barnabas and Timothy) and what does that look like.   We discussed mentoring our young men and giving them an example of what Godly men are to look like – but instead of leaving a legend we should be living the legend.    
          I attended a funeral today of a God’s Mighty Man that is one of the best examples of what “Living the Legend” looks like.   Marty had a servant’s heart and impacted/affected everyone he came into contact with.  This was evident by the amount of people that were there to celebrate his life.  The GMM Team is going to miss him – he one of a kind on our Team.  
          In is his obiturary it stated: “Marty’s love and service to the Lord was evident by all who knew him.  No doubt the words “Well done, good and faithful servant” were heard by him as he entered heaven.”        WOW —-   This is something that we should all strive to have said about us by the impact we make on those who are in front of us. 
       We have been studying Authentic Manhood on Saturday mornings and Pastor Jason starts us off with a scripture from Exodus 18: 21.  “But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.”   As we look at our lives we want to be one of those selected….  We should be the ones who are showing the example of what these look like:

  1.  Fearing the Lord
  2. Trustworthy
  3. Hate dishonest gain

We need to be living our lives in such a way that we are not just passing on a Legend – but that we are sharing the Legend with others. 
          This next year needs to look different for me – I need to build those relationships and share my legend with:

  1.  My Paul’s:  the men who I seek wisdom from.
  2. My Barnabas:  the men who walk beside me.
  3. My Timothy:  the young men I am mentoring.
  4. The people I meet…………….

When I go to Heaven I also want it to be said:   “Well done, good and faithful servant”.

So what does your Living the Legend look like?

Are you Living the Legend or just passing it on?

Are you sharing your Legend with someone else?

