Iron sharpens iron… and One Man Sharpens Another. Share Life!

NOTE FROM THE GMM “HUB” for the 2020 God’s Mighty Men conference

This 2020 conference theme comes from Prov27:17 – we are to sharpen each other as we share life in real friendships between guys. This sharpening will happen as all sorts of men, during and after our conference, walk out the inspiration they glean from the event.

We will be strengthened, enlightened, and unified as we hear from our main speaker, as well as three minute “pastor blasts” from pastors and ministry leaders from our region, according to what God has put on their hearts. We’ll also have fun as we enjoy fellowship and refreshments during the break.

As brothers in Christ, sharing life spans generations, congregations, ethnicities, work, maturity in Christian faith, and all sorts of other differences and networks.  It’s time for the church to be the church… to shine brightest when things are darkest. May we stand in unity, in the power of God, “for such a time as this.”

In setting up this year’s event, your GMM board (also known as the “Hub”) has been blessed to enjoy many new and ongoing friendships. Also, this conference could not happen without the gracious participation of our speakers and others on stage, the hard work of many local volunteers, and generous  support from many church and corporate sponsors. THANK YOU!

To get information about this and future GMM conferences, to share your feedback, and/or to learn about volunteer and sponsorship opportunities:

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-> Follow and “like” GMM on Facebook at GMMGodsMightyMen.

To God be the glory, forever!

Steve Walters       Bob Wilson        Lester Lavalais      Matt Freeman
