GMM’s Theme 2013 – “Activate Your Faith”

     This will be our 4th GMM Conference and we have enjoyed the progression of each theme that God has presented to us:

“”How big is Your GOD”

 “Alive in Christ”

“Driven by the Power of the Holy Spirit”

“Activate Your Faith”

We also have what we expect  you to get when you attend a Conference – check on the Tab for the Conference to see what they are.
But my biggest question is what does “Activate Your Faith” look like – Pastor Roger helped us in getting the theme for the upcoming Conference while I was having lunch with him.   The discussion was along the lines of guys stepping out and doing some service projects in the Downtown area – and his comment was – “Wouldn’t that be great to see guys activating their faith”…  and with some help from a couple of the board members (Jim and Jay) we came up with the Theme.
Well I have been pondering that question and I have to tell you – it must look different for everyone and every church.  God has given us all different gifts and we all seem to have our own unique relationship with him.   So when I look around to see how this is demonstrated – I see it in allot of different ways.
Here are some of them:

  1.  Church’s:   Pastor Jason has this Miracle Mile (expanding to 2 miles) that surrounds his church.  The Church members look for different ways to serve the needs of the community (Homes – Schools – Businesses and even other Church’s).  Could you imagine another church helping a different church become successful?  WOW.
  2. Prayer:  Pastor Grant has been putting together a Prayer Event in which several groups of guys take on a 2 to 3 mile section of a 30 mile circumference around the city and pray for the city.
  3. Service Projects:   This could be in Your Church – Your Community – Homeless Shelters – Hospitals – Rest Homes etc….
  4. Evangelism:   Taking in a stranger for the night – A friend from Church (Micah) did that one night after our Bible study – he took in a young couple that was going to spend the night in their Van at the Church parking lot…  talk about activating your faith.

My thoughts could go on forever – but what I would really like to know is….                How do you explain or see “Activate Your Faith”?  –  Please send me an email and explain what your thoughts are on the topic – as I stated it looks different to everyone.
Email to [email protected].      Or you can post a comment on this Blog.
Bobby G.
