How powerful is your Weakness?

As Pastor Shaun was preaching this week in Acts – I was looking at my study bible and there was a page explaining Great Escapes in the Bible.   It was referencing some the Great People in the Bible and had three sections to it:

  1. What happened?   2. What the escape accomplished.   3. Application.

I would like to share the Application portion of this list – it shows in their weakness God used them.   But before I go any further I want you to know that I did listen to Shaun’s sermon:   It was about Saul’s encounter with Jesus on his way to Damascus.
So here are a few of the examples listed:

  • Jacob – A time away from home often puts the really important things into perspective.
  • Moses – God fits even our mistakes into His plan.
  • Spies (Joshua) – God’s plan weaves lives together in a pattern beyond our understanding.
  • Ehud – Punishments by God are often swift and deadly.
  • Sampson – Without dependence on God and His guidance, even great ability is wasted.
  • Elijah – Even at moments of real success, our personal weaknesses are our greatest challenges.
  • Saul (Paul) – God has a purpose for every life, which leads to a real adventure for those willing to cooperate.
  • Peter – God can use extraordinary means to carry out His plan – often when we least expect it.
  • Paul and Silas – When our dependence and attention are focused on God rather than our problems, He is able to offer help in unexpected ways.

So as you can see God used all of these people in a powerful way even though each of them has weaknesses to overcome.   Like these heroes of the faith – we also have the same issues (weaknesses) as they did and God can do great works through us because of them. We just need to listen and be obedient to what He is asking us to do. I like number 7 – not that I want to experience a Paul adventure but I know he has a purpose for me and I just need to be cooperative.

Can you identify the weakness that God can use to accomplish a powerful work through you?  Remember we just need to be Obedient to His calling.

We all have them…..
