Fellowship with people:

I have been on vacation with my Grandkids for a couple of weeks and we included their parents on one of the weeks – LOL.   If you are a Papa or Nana you will understand that joy is in being with grandkids.
About a month ago Pastor Shaun was sharing his vision of what our church should look like and it came from:

Acts 2:42 > The Fellowship of the Believers:    They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

There are four parts to the vision of what the church should look like.

  • Teaching
  • Fellowship
  • Breaking of Bread
  • Prayer

I took these teaching and really looked at how I could incorporate them into my daily living and also looking at how they can be included into the GMM Team. So as I was looking back on my vacation with my Grandkids I pondered on how each of these were present in our time together.   The Breaking of Bread was easy – we ate together allot and enjoyed our conversations at each of them.   Prayer is something we may have missed more than usual but my grandkids pray at meals using the Alphabet.  We stayed at a mountain resort so I enjoyed some great prayer walks.
But there is one story that I would like to share on Teaching and Fellowship.   While we were visiting my youngest son in Spearfish my daughter in-law had one of those GEO Cash programs on her phone so we decided to go find one. It had a hint of magnetic and the coordinates will take you to within a few feet of the GEO Marker.   Well it took us to this bench along the Spearfish River where there was a couple sitting and no one wanted to bother them. So we searched everywhere else but the correct spot….
    “Now comes the question: “How do you meet people you do not know?”  Some people avoid making any contact with strangers and never get to really know the people around them and there are others that find a way to connect – “Fellowship with people”.
I am not one to be overly bold about meeting others around me – but this couple was sitting on our GEO Cash – so I took the chance at meeting a stranger. I have to tell you, they were really pleasant about meeting us and we had a great talk. When we explained to them that they may be sitting on our adventurous find – they let us look….   It was there….. They were as excited as us. WOW
My grandkids came to me and said Papa everyone says that we should have left them alone… My response to them was:  “If we had never met them then they would not have gotten to enjoy the adventure with us”. There are times that we should not interrupt a stranger, but the Holy Spirit is there to guide us at the moments when we can. This was a great moment…
So looking at the four aspects of Acts 2:42 >

How do you incorporate them into your life?

Do you Fellowship with People in front of you?

Are you listening to the Holy Spirit when he says to go and say HI?
