Where has God put you?

     We had a great GMM Conference this last Saturday and there were great speakers – Matt Heard’s message was a Powerful message on LIFE.  But one of the Pastor Blasts that really spoke to me was from Pastor Daniel and his message about how God Works.  I have to tell you that Pastor Daniel was not able to finish his message before Lester pulled him off with the HOOK. 
          Pastor Daniel was explaining how God did his work when he created the world:

  1. He created the Heavens – then he put the Stars in them.
  2. He created the Seas – then he put the fish in them.
  3. He created the Garden – then he put Adam and Eve in it.

He did not get to tell the rest of the story – so I get to finish it the way that I believe he was going to finish it for me.   We will have to take him off to the side and let him finish the rest of the story – then post it on the GMM Web Site. So now I get to finish the rest of the Story in my words…………
          I believe that he was going to tell me that God has created situations just for me and then placed me in them.  It may be on a daily situation or it could be on a long term situation.   My question to myself is:

  1.  Can I see what He has created for me (Daily or Long Term)?
  2. How am I doing – Adam and Eve failed am I doing the same?
  3. Am I utilizing my Gifts to their fullest to accomplish what God has created for me?

These are going to be questions that I really need to focus and pray about.   I must be engaging if I am to be obedient to what God has placed me in.
Now the question for you is?

Where has God put you?

Can you see the situation that God has created for you?

How are you doing – are you utilizing your Talents to the upmost GOOD?
