I am currently getting ready to have both of my knees replaced and just the thought of what I have to go through is giving me anxiety. Do I really want to go through with what it takes to accomplish this – I know that eventually my knees will not hurt anymore – but the pain I have to go through to get there – Is it worth it… At 2am in the morning I have been asking this allot – and my prayers go up and his answer comes back at me.
Christ keeps reminding me of what he went through for us and it was worth all the pain he suffered. So my answer has to come up to – yes no problem – mine is minor compared to his – and he will be with me all the way.
So now comes the real questions…. What is it that God wants you to go through to accomplish his will. God is always at work molding us to be like him and some times that requires Pain – but most of the time it requires us just giving up our time for a purpose he has designed for us to do. I was thinking back to the time when a nephew of mine wanted a little bit of my time – and it was just too inconvenient at the moment to give it. Man have I blown it – what if Christ would say I just do not have time for you…. Where would I be? Of course Christ does not do that and that is the example that I need to be willing to take when the moments come that he requires me to accomplish his will.
To be in tune with Christ – we must be looking for those moments that he has put in front of us to accomplish his will – it takes practice. Is God calling on you to give some time up for a friend – help in the church – heal a relationship (Forgiveness and Grace) – pray for someone – or maybe it is just sitting down to talk with a nephew.
I must say as I go forward in the path that he has chosen for me at the moment that my Relationship with Christ is growing in ways that I could not imagine. It is only through Christ that I can to do what is required of me and he promises to be with me through it all….