True Identity – Follow up

Note from one of the GMM Team Members (Brandon) about the GMM Conference:


I have walked away from the previous conferences I’ve attended with excitement, encouragement and motivation for what God is doing and wants to do in my heart, and in the hearts of the men in His city of Cheyenne. And I’m definitely not selling them all short either! But this year’s conference impacted me and hit a nerve in my heart that rocked me to my core! Like Erwin, I have always lived with low self worth and confidence. I doubted the gifts God Himself said He wanted to use for His kingdom and never fully invested in His purpose for my life because of fear. Yet since I was a kid my dreams and creative mind have always given me a desire to live amazing dreams: God-sized dreams that only God could bring to fruition.

It’s so refreshing to encounter the experience and desire and excitement of another man who has been given, not only the creative ideas and dreams that he so wants to live out, but an inspiration and power to live them out, all through the hand of God and His wanting to meet us in that creative realm of our imagination.

I’ve heard encouraging words and sermons on believing and receiving who God says I am and what He is calling me to. But Erwin brought it in a way that has empowered me and excited me to truly be the man of God He is turning me into and being fully alive, as that is the glory and desire of our God, as He dreams for me to be. I want to be the greatest husband, father and worshipper of God that I can be and touch the hearts of people all over the globe with the story God has written for my life through music, leadership and simply the way I live.

I am so thankful for the hard work, dedication and perseverance that every team member and every group has so faithfully and enthusiastically put into making this year’s conference happen. More and more my True Identity is being discovered as I seek Jesus and His will for my life. I choose to believe what He says and live out my imagination and dreams as if they were real, because eventually, one day they will be! I am so excited to be a part of something so big and, though it may seem impossible, I can’t wait to see how much more amazing it will be next year. But I’m filled with the love and grace of God and ask for your prayers, not only for me, but for every man who struggles with the fear of truly living out their dreams and goals, no matter how big they are. God bless you guys, and I can’t wait to catch up with you again at the retreat and see how God moved in your hearts!

Your brother in Christ,

Brandon Rodriguez