”But we know where he’s from.” Some of the people dismissed Jesus out of hand because they knew where he had been raised. ”He is from Nazareth,” they reasoned… “he can’t possibly be the Messiah: the one to follow.“ How often do we do the same thing, keeping Jesus at a distance with simple nonsensical objections that almost always begin with “but”?
”I’d love to follow Jesus, but…. ”
”I really need healing, but….”
”I want my life to change, but….”
Whatever our struggles, whatever our failings: habitual sins, disordered attractions, addictions of one kind or another — Christ’s love and mercy is far greater!
He spends his eternity to overcome the strange time-bound tyranny of a very small word : but….
Our brother Mike P. shared this thoughtful adaption from the 2017 Magnificat Lenten Companion, which refers to John 7.