“Radical Truth and Grace” what does that look like – what does that mean…? The best way that I can describe how this means to me is when Jesus came upon a group of people who were going to stone this women for being an adulterous. (John 7:52 > 8:11)
Jesus encountered a group of Pharisees that were going to stone this Adulteress because of her sinful life style – and they were justified by the Law to do this. Then they asked Jesus what he would do…. (Jesus was writing something on the ground). Jesus response was that whoever has not committed a sin to be the first one to cast a stone. As you know the rest of the story, no one could cast a stone and walked away. When all this was done – then Jesus asked her where they had all gone – and had no one condemned her? No one had.. Jesus next response was: “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
How many times are we like the Pharisees? We Judge someone for their sinful life styles and we are ready to send them straight hell because of their life styles. As in this story: is their sin any greater than ours (answer – John 19) – are we going to cast the stone? My Friend Nick and I have been discussing this allot lately because of where his ministry is taking him. I have to admit – I was throwing some very large stones at what life style we were discussing. Nick’s response would be: We need to be telling people that God Wishes that all people would be in Heaven with him , instead of telling them that they are going to Hell if they do not change their ways “Grace”. Then we proceed to tell them about Jesus “The Truth”. “Radical”
As we encounter people – How is our response when we really disagree with them – whether it be for: a life style – political affiliations – which church do they go too? I would encourage you to do as Jesus had done in the story above – “Radical Truth and Grace”