Obedience and Faith – Joshua Style:

I am currently reading the Book of Joshua and it is amazing how God can work through him as long as he is in Obedience, and this took allot of Faith.  When Joshua took God’s people into the Promise land – he was given assurance that they would receive much – as long as they were Obedient.
Joshua was able to over throw many of the other countries as long as he followed God’s Guidance.  There was the one time that they failed to defeat their enemy because one family had taken some of the loot when they were told not to.   When they had repented and taken care of the disobedient family – then they were able to succeed in going forward with God’s Blessings.
Joshua was constantly seeking God’s advice and direction – he would either be asking God what to do or he would be sending people forward to make sure they were doing the right thing.   Many times they were instructed to Kill all the Men – Women – Children and Animals of the opposing Tribe…
So my thoughts are – Do we follow in Joshua’s footsteps as we go forward…    Are we Asking God for advice…..?    Are we seeking council to make sure we are doing the right thing……?    We will probably never be asked to Kill everyone, but God does have a plan for us.    In Joshua 22:5  (But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”)  He is giving advice to the Eastern Tribes that are returning.  If we follow the same advice – then God will be directing our path as we go forward and we will receive his blessings.
So as you go forward this week – Seek God’s Advice and Seek Council to make sure that you are going forward in his will.