Check out the full recording, including praise music, or just review your favorite messages from our conference speakers. The below outline has links directly to each of their inspirational presentations on YouTube.
Remember, “God’s Mighty Men: Live It Out!”
+~+~+~+Index to GMM God’s Mighty Men Conference 8/26/23+~+~+~+~
Segment 1 (AM)
0:00. . . . Praise Music
20:00. . . GMM Welcome/Prayer, —Lester Lavalais
Pastor Blasts—Lester Lavalais introducing:
23:37. . . Randy Golden, Pastor, Calvary South Cheyenne
28:10. . . Jason Siebert, Pastor, CrossBridge Alliance
31:31. . . Chad Brannaman, Minister—Celebrate Recovery, Cheyenne Hills Church
34:51. . . Keynote #1—Kenny White: Spiritual Diet
Segment 2 (PM)
0:00. . . . Praise Music
18:46. . . Keynote #2—Kenny White: Spiritual Development
1:06:14 . Dismissal—Lester Lavalais
To God be the glory, forever, AMEN!
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