GMM “Hub” leader Lester L. writes: We had a special guest, a month ago, and one of the encouraging things he said to us “was for us to minimize the pain and maximize the enjoyment.” We are in some form or fashion experiencing life challenges and /or difficulties. And I believe we have loved ones observing how we operate during these life experiences. I’m continuing to learn and understand it’s not about me. It’s about my Heavenly Father, and what he wants to do through me. I’m still working on self to get out of the way, so please be patient with me.
In Luke 5, after Jesus was done speaking he told Simon to throw out his net into the deep for a catch. Simon said to him, Master I have toiled all night, and caught nothing, but nevertheless, I will do as you requested.
Jesus knows we might feel broke, busted and disgusted at times in our life. At those points we want to give up! But I pray we say nevertheless: at thy word we will let down our net. “Go Deep”, so we can have deeper love, deeper forgiveness, deeper commitment to our Heavenly Father. I believe Simon, from that experience was able to minimize his pain and maximize his enjoyment! His net was so loaded down he had to ask his partners to ask to come and be blessed!
Brothers and sisters I believe our day is coming! Keep the faith! Let’s Go Deep!
–Lester L.