Check out the full recording, including praise music, or just review your favorite messages from our conference speakers. The below outline has links directly to each of their inspirational presentations on YouTube.
Remember, “God’s Mighty Men: Live It Out!”
+~+~+~+Index to GMM God’s Mighty Men Conference 8/26/23+~+~+~+~
Segment 1 (AM)
0:00. . . . Praise Music
20:00. . . GMM Welcome/Prayer, —Lester Lavalais
Pastor Blasts—Lester Lavalais introducing:
23:37. . . Randy Golden, Pastor, Calvary South Cheyenne
28:10. . . Jason Siebert, Pastor, CrossBridge Alliance
31:31. . . Chad Brannaman, Minister—Celebrate Recovery, Cheyenne Hills Church
34:51. . . Keynote #1—Kenny White: Spiritual Diet
Segment 2 (PM)
0:00. . . . Praise Music
18:46. . . Keynote #2—Kenny White: Spiritual Development
1:06:14 . Dismissal—Lester Lavalais

Your God’s Mighty Men Leadership Team is proud to have had Kenny White as our 2023 Conference keynote speaker. Kenny guided us to embark on God’s adventure: learning from one another, “Living It Out” step-by-step on the disciple’s journey. He is truly an inspirational presenter with a gift and a passion for helping people to be disciples of Jesus.

Child Evangelism Fellowship
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Life Choice Pregnancy Care Center
The Reel Hope Project
Biblical Concepts in Counseling of Wyoming
Christian Motorcycle Association
Operation Christmas Child
Trail Life USA Troop WY0316
Note from the Hub
Live It Out!
[Jesus] said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
(Matthew 4:19)
Jesus began calling his disciples with Simon Peter and Andrew. First, he said to them: “Follow me.” Jesus told them to stop what they were doing and Fall in behind ME! Jesus’ words are directed to us no less today. Join me! he calls out to us. Join in the disciple’s journey to live out what can only be found by following close behind the teacher.
Jesus continues that invitation with a promise: If you will get behind Me, “I will make you ….” The root of the Greek word translated as “make” means ‘to construct or to build.’ Jesus will construct something out of those who follow Him—they will not make themselves—and that will only happen if they get behind Him and follow. The grammar leaves no doubt that it is He who will do it. Jesus meant what he said, definitely, no question about it.
Finally, Jesus tells Peter and Andrew what they will become: “fishers of men,” literally, fishermen of mankind. Peter and Andrew are experienced fishermen, but Jesus invites them to follow him for the greatest catch: mankind, the world. He will transform them, and as disciples boldly living out Jesus’ way, they will transform the Roman world, their successors, and ultimately all nations.
Jesus calls each of His men, individually and in unity, to His disciple’s journey. GMM2023 keynote speaker Kenny White will be our guide as we explore God’s proven route for the adventure of life. In breakout sessions and fellowship over lunch, you’ll be inspired and better equipped for living out the faith, wherever you are on the way. Let us fall in behind Jesus, striding boldly in His strength as we follow Him!
Your GMM board is also known as the “Hub”. We are blessed by the hard work of many more GMM leaders, volunteers, ministry partners and speakers… and by the generous support of our sponsors. THANK YOU!
For info, visit and GMM on Facebook at GMMGodsMightyMen. To share feedback or learn about volunteer and sponsorship opportunities: sign up at the GMM main table or Email [email protected] .
To God be the glory, forever!
Matt Freeman Lester Lavalais Robin Roberts Bob Wilson