
I was visiting with a special friend of mine recently (LPB) and we were reminiscing on his relationship with his sons and the talk was drawn to the unsaved sons.    His heart was aching on what he could have or should have or could do about bringing them to a relationship with Jesus Christ.   As most guys do – the blame game always comes up — How did he fail them:   Was he always tired and angry when raising them because he worked midnights – did they turn because he made them go to church – were they abused because of his lack of protection – did he not tell them that he loved them enough – how could he help them with their debts (student loans – tough losses) – because of his failures did they stray away.     As you can see his heart ached and he was crying out to Jesus for help……..

Well as the conversation went forward – the premonition that he received was that the only thing he could do was “Pray” and go forward the best he could – because only through his own relationship with Christ could he be successful.    One of my great friends (Nick) and I were having a conversation about Grace recently – we came to this conclusion:  We are given Grace (which can be very difficult to accept) and giving Grace can be very difficult to give someone…. but giving ourselves Grace is next to impossible.   *So we must forgive ourselves and go forward.

As the story would go – one of his sons called recently and stated that he was going through a process to cleanse his body and his soul.   His son was looking for a way to seek GOD and wanted to know about a few things.  It was like the story of the Prodigal Son – Pure Joy and celebration – and the tears just flowed and flowed and flowed….  (He lost a couple of Man Points – but he says no one but him and God knew about it).    As the story would go – it is through our brokenness that God does his greatest work – but this would be the brokenness of the Father – From this he has a much deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.  His sons are hard workers and now he has hope for their salvation.

My thoughts come back to Obedience:  If we Cry out to Jesus out of our brokenness and seek his help – all things are possible.  We will receive great Joy – Wisdom – Hope and a much greater relationship with Jesus Christ and with all those who surround us.

We are all People of a Second Chance.                    AMEN.

Bobby G.