Bonus info on Pastor Sam

Just two and a half weeks to go before this exceptional Christian men’s conference at the Cheyenne Civic Center… rally your friends, go to the GMM – God’s Mighty Men conference webpage and get your tickets now ($20pp) to join us Saturday morning, 8:30-1pm Sept. 25th.Main speaker Pastor Samuel Rodriguez has recorded a one-minute Challenge video to personally invite you. He is a board member of Promise Keepers — watch this standout 4 minute excerpt from the July 2021 PK Men’s Conference.  In this crucial time, we are blessed to welcome him to our region, as our main speaker.  We also have an outstanding lineup of other speakers addressing the 2021 God’s Mighty Men conference, including:

Spotlight on Truth – Keith Kautz, Wyoming Supreme Court Justice
Spotlight on Hope – Dr. Dick Berry, Psy.D., specializes in loss, grief and suicide prevention.

Pastor Blast speakers from four regional Christian churches and ministries. Are you ready to stand together, in Jesus’ name? Visit the conference webpage, share this email, “Follow” on Facebook, and join us on Sept. 25th!

Want bonus info on Rev. Samuel Rodriguez?

Many of us have known of Pastor Sam as a world-class Christian leader speaking scriptural truth to power about hard issues for years. He was asked to advise Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump to advance life, religious liberty and biblical justice. Here’s his recent interview about “the delicate balance between pastoring and political activism.” Here are a few other highlights to whet your interest to read his full bio on our webpage. He is: 

  • Lead pastor of New Season, one of America’s most influential mega churches 
  • President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, one of the world’s largest Christian organizations 
  • Among the “Top 100 Christian Leaders in America” (Newsmax 2018)
  • Named by The Wall St. Journal as one of the top 12 Latino leaders 
  • Film producer and author of many bestseller books (like The Lamb’s Agenda) 
  • Recipient of the Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award presented by the Congress of Racial Equality.

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