Pier Pressure: Are you the one creating it?

      In one of our First Tuesday night Bible study at Cheyenne Alliance – the topic of Pier Pressure came up.  We were talking about how it really caused allot of grief in the young and old.   My friend Jim H.  –   Stated that Pier Pressure was not a problem for him – he looks to Christ for his guidance.  One item that I responded with is:   We should be one creating the Pier Pressure and people should be looking at us for guidance.  As in my last Blog I talked about the importance of our Pastors and that we should be able to imitate them – the same is for us… 
           The speaker at our Church this last Sunday referenced a couple of massages from Luke 15: 1 & 2:  Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him.   And the Pharisees and the scribes murmured, saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.”   Jesus was the creating the Pier Pressure in his days – and when you look at these verses – it was the Sinners who were drawing near to him to hear what he had to say.   The Pharisees hated it – the people were supposed to be imitating them.  So we should be having the same response as Jesus was having – people should be coming to us to hear what we have to say.
           Our GMM Conference Theme (True Identity) this year really hits home for me on what are people going to see in me when they look at me.   The world has characterized what a Man should look like – but it is really not who I would want people to see me as.   The Book “Wild at Heart” has come up recently because of a Speaker we would like to have at the Conference  to help us on the issue of True Identity.
           The Book identifies 3 areas we need to recapture as Men – below is a portion of what it is about.

  •  A battle to fight.
  • An adventure to live.
  • A beauty to rescue.

These are the core desires panting deep in the heart of every man. From the Amazon to Parliament, from the academy to the factory, these desires are universal, true for every man. And they are essential in order to live life as a man; they provide the power for his life. Misplaced, forgotten, or misdirected, they do not go away; they go underground and surface later in anger, addiction, and compulsion. You pay a high price when you neglect these desires. 
This has been a powerful book in redirecting me and where my passion falls.  There is allot more to the book then just this short blurb and it is a must read to see what needs to happen in redirecting the identity of the Real Man inside of us.

Now back to the main theme of this Blog. 

Are you the one Creating the Pier Pressure?

What does that look like?

Are your Sons/Daughters and the people that surround you seeing the real Person in you that is Grounded in

