Man of the Household:
God’s Steward for Family and the Cosmos

GMM 2024 Theme
The household is foundational in God’s created order of the Cosmos. On Saturday, August 24th, 8:30 am – 3:00pm, we’ll explore the role of men in the household and what that means for us, and all of creation.
C.R. (Chris) Wiley is expert at addressing the increasingly scrutinized and challenged Biblical principles about men’s roles in the family.

Chris is a straight shooter. His qualifications to guide us on this topic are impressive: he’s an author and editor of magazine articles and books, pastors a PCA church outside of Portland, and he’s been a college professor. He’s a practical, hands-on sort of guy. His life experience will resonate with non-academic men too: he’s been a commercial real estate investor, a landlord, and a building contractor. Those of us who have read his books “Man of the House” & “The Household and the War for the Cosmos” have also been impressed by his interviews and podcasts, including “The Theology Pugcast.”
To learn more about our excellent keynote speaker and this topic, check out his bio, YouTube videos, his website links, and purchase one or more of his books. We believe that by doing so, you’ll be as pumped for our GMM 2024 conference on Aug. 24th as your GMM leadership team is!
There will be time to interact with our speaker in Q&A after each of his two keynote addresses. His first talk will show us the big picture about the role of the household in God’s divine order. The second will explore men’s roles as leaders of productive households and how to make it all work. We plan on having a limited quantity of his books for sale at the conference, and Chris will be available to autograph books during breaks.
Your $25 ticket will include refreshments during a morning break, and lunch… and for those who want to hang out awhile afterwards, a post-event dessert. Those are also times to visit with local parachurch ministry reps, and simply enjoy fellowship with other men.
Stay tuned for ticketing info and other details!