What a challenging time the Conference was!
Click the time stamps below to watch that portion of the conference
0:00 . . . . Praise Music – the Band
9:44 . . . . GMM Welcome/Prayer: Mel Turner & Lester Lavalais
16:00. . . . Main Speaker Kick-Off: Abdu Murray, Embrace the Truth
1:13:00 . . Spotlight on Unity: Tom Perea, Pastor, Restoration Fellowship, Cheyenne
1:25:50 . . Break – refreshments, fellowship and visit ministry tables in lobby and courtyard
1:28:15 . . Praise Music – the Band
1:39:30 . . Spotlight on Meeting Together: Cole Church
1:58:15 . . Pastor Blasts – Mel Turner introducing:
1) Joe Niverson, Director of Pastoral Care, Volunteers of America Northern Rockies
2) Jeremy Haroldson, Pastor, Impact Ministries (Wheatland)
3) Steven Olson, Pastor, Revive the Nations(Cheyenne),
4) Jason Tyson , Pastor, Harvest Time Christian Fellowship (Cheyenne)
2:17:40. . Main Speaker address, Q&A: Abdu Murray
3:04:00. . Invitation & Music: Pastor Nathan Winters, followed by the Band
3:24:00. . Wrap-up: Mel Turner
3:27:45. . Closing Prayer: Lester Lavalais
Conference Details
Conference Speaker:
Abdu Murray
Abdu Murray is an Attorney, speaker with Embrace the Truth, and author of “Saving Truth: Finding Meaning & Clarity in a Post-Truth World“. Abdu offers the credibility of the gospel message as a writer and frequently dialogues on college campuses.

Embrace the Truth offers the credibility of the gospel to every questioner we encounter. We believe that truth, when embraced, brings freedom. We strive to hear, respect, and answer each person in ways that touch both the mind and the heart.
Biblical Concepts in Counseling of Wyoming
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Christian Motorcycle Association
Embrace the Truth
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Life Choice Pregnancy Care Center
Lifeline Children’s Services
Operation Christmas Child
Table in the Wilderness Ministries
The Gideons
Trail Life USA Troop WY0316
VA Chaplain Outreach
The LCCC campus was a great place for exploring this year’s theme and various ministry tables. Refreshments were served during a mid-conference break for networking and fellowship.
Surbrugg Prentice Auditorium
is located in the
Fine Arts Building
on the campus of
Laramie County Community College
1400 E. College Drive
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82007

Do the WORD… Speak the TRUTH
John 17:15-21 records Jesus’ prayers for us, and the Father WILL certainly answer it! We can rely on God’s supernatural work for our sanctification to “Do the WORD… Speak the TRUTH,” far exceeding our personal effort, wisdom, and circumstances!
John 17:17 is the core verse for GMM’s 2022 theme:
“Sanctify them [set them apart for Your purposes, make them holy] in the truth; Your word is truth,” (AMP).
Read the full HUB note HERE