GMM 2014 Men’s Conference: Follow UP

This is our Fifth Conference and I have to admit – this is the first one that I have actually sat down and really enjoyed the whole event from the inside.   As the GMM CEO – I have always been concerned about different aspects of the Conference and rarely make it inside.  So I only get to enjoy a portion of the event…  never again will I miss out from enjoying it from the inside.    Normally I become so intense and rarely smile that it takes me several days to calm down – on several occasions I can walk by someone that I know – and not even recognize them……  (Just ask Lester)…
I had the pleasure of inviting a young man (Brexton) to join me this year and help me out…    It is sad to say that it sometimes takes the young men of this world to get us re-focused on the important stuff.   Because of Brexton I smiled a couple of times and committed to being on the inside during conference.   I do have to admit it was not easy and it still took me several days to un-wind – but it was amazing (My wife asked me if I was OK at the end – I was in a daze).
“Brexton – Thank You”
What I would like to present to everyone who may have been there are the 5 items that we would want you to take away from the conference and I am going to answer them personally….  So please take time to answer them also.
**If you were not at the Conference – these are areas that you should be working on at all time.

 “Radical Truth and Grace”

GMM 2014 Men’s Conference

  •   “To stand up and band together”:   It was great to be in one room and get to worship with a large group of believers with one purpose – to praise the Lord…  The worship team did an Awesome Job at leading us – and if you did not know it – they came from 7 different Church’s.   So – Yes – it was an awesome time be able to Band together with a great group of MEN.
  •  “With encouragement and the power that the Holy Spirit gives – all men will go back as warriors”:    I was personally blessed by all the messages the speakers brought…  I can tell you that the message brought out that Jesus is our Role model on going forward as men of God.  As Randy had stated – we need to finish well as Champions for Christ and that his obedience to him in our lives is simple…   *if someone is hungry – feed them.   If someone needs clothes – give them your Bronco Jacket….
  • “Your Relationship with Christ would be enhanced to a new spiritual level”:  I have to tell you – I get the pleasure of working up to this one…   In planning for the Conference I get to experience the work of God first hand and it is amazing what that does for my personal relationship with him.  But Yes – My relationship with Christ was even taken to a higher level through the Conference.
  • “Your ministry would be enhanced with a greater passion”:   This one I will have to work on – my ministry going forward is being tweaked some and there will be some extreme soul searching on where Christ will be taking that.   The Passion is still there – but at a greater level – not sure just yet – but I see Hope in the Future and Promise of a Greater Passion.
  • “You would go forth and support your pastor and his vision”:    1st and for most – you must belong to a Local church for this to Happen…..   I am proud to say that I go to Calvary Chapel and have an amazing Pastor by the name of Shaun Sells…  It is easy to support Shaun’s Vision and I really like him – he has a great sense of humor – but most of all – I really enjoy his interpretation of the Bible.   My act of worship this year will be to get to know Pastor Shaun so that I can help him in his vision.  I am excited to go forward in this church and I know that he supports me.   (Shaun – it may have to wait until June – I am gone the rest of the month for Mother’s day and Vacation in Tennessee).

So the challenge is to look at each of these items in your daily life and find ways to work on them 365 days a year.   GMM has come up with a new Card and on the front is:    “GMM365” – meaning we should be God’s Mighty Men every day…

If you would like some cards – please send me an email.

[email protected]
